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Sunday, 31 July 2016

7/31/2016 supper time

7/31/2016 supper time

Good morning Cape Breton,

Maximus Handsomius reporting in from my Forever Home.

This is where I sit when the Big Guy and Tonya are having their supper.

Yesterday the Big Guy spent his entire day cooking and doing his new Food Blog.  No fun at all for me.  I guess it is really taking off too.  But I understand, everyone can eat.  Not everyone has a dog.  But do you think he would have shared any of his food with me?  Not even a little bit.

It wasn't really hot out yesterday, but you couldn't move without breaking into a sweat.  It was just so muggy outside.  Oh well, I know those same people who are complaining about the heat will soon be complaining about the cold.  You should try wearing a fur jacket all year round.

The Big Guy and Tonya have been brushing my fur.  I am loosing a lot of fur lately.  I am pretty sure if's my puppy fur that is falling out.  But it's all over the house.

I heard that the Big Guy is going to make Lasagna today.  I wonder if that means I will be visited by Garfield the cat?  Likely no cause the Big Guy is allergic to cats.

But after supper, we sat out on the front deck.  I got an icy treat and they got cold beer.  They set up the umbrella so they would be out of the sun.  I wonder why they just didn't go sit out back in the shade?  Humans can be weird.

Last week, the Big Guy and Tonya went to see the new Star Trek movie.  They were supposed to go see the new Jason Borne movie.  But those plans didn't pan out.  It can be expensive to go to the movies.  They bought beer instead of going to the movies.  I am pretty sure they enjoyed the beer a lot more than the movie.

Today, I heard that Tonya is going to clean the house and try to find all my loose fur that is all over the place.  ha ha...  Good luck with that.

Bye Bye for now

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