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Wednesday, 20 July 2016

21/Jun/16 Summer arrives to Cape Breton Island

21/Jun/16 Summer arrives to Cape Breton Island

Good morning Cape Breton,
Maximus Handsomius reporting in from my Forever Home.
Yesterday my new friends, Gloria Cormier and Kim D Cormier, left for New Brunswick. I hope that I can see them again some day soon. The Big Guy got an email to say that they arrived home safe. He told me they were home, although I am glad they got home, I still miss them.
I got a new milestone yesterday. Normally I was only able to make it about 1/4 way around the block before I would have to be dragged back to my Forever Home. Yesterday I walk the ENTIRE way around the block. As we were walking, there was a nice lady and her man that seen me, turned their car around and they came back to visit with me. They wanted to know all about me.
I FINALLY got to meet Caroline Cox. Gosh, it's about time. She was wearing a dress and I am only short. Caroline Cox was worried that I would jump on her legs. But Julie MacIntosh picked me up so that she would be able to pat my soft fur. Kristen Murphy came out to see me. She was really excited to play with me. She rubbed my belly. Oh... belly rubs are so nice. I didn't bark at any of them. Remember, I got some step-brothers and step-sisters that are coming available real soon. Talk to the Big Guy if you need more details.
Do you know what wet dog smells like? Well it's raining out and I got wet. BUT, the Big Guy went to Sydney River WalMart and got me this dry shampoo. It's called Pet Head and now I smell like Blue Berry Cheese Cake! Thanks Amy Stubbert for telling him about that stuff.
When I run though the house, I sound like a small horse. I can run faster now that I am getting bigger.
I don't mind the car either. I can sit up in the back seat and they open the window a bit so that I can get fresh air in the back of the car. I am not sure why though. The car has air conditioner and it's cooler inside the car with the windows up than if they are down.
I had my first carrot yesterday. It was really interesting. Although I did leave little orange pieces around the house. I will leave them around the house forTonya Lynn Clarke to clean up later.
I wonder what other "first's" I will have this week?
Bye bye for now

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