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Thursday, 21 July 2016

11/Jul/16 my "Heart Shaped" patch

11/Jul/16 my "Heart Shaped" patch

Good morning Cape Breton,
Maximus Handsomius reporting in from my Forever Home.
Tonya Lynn Clarke has been saying that I have a "heart shaped" white patch on my bum. That's so that you ladies can "love my ass". Do you see it in the picture of me under the coffee table?
I got my first ice block yesterday. Kinda boring. It was just ice. The next chunk of ice is going to have fruit in it. The Big Guy was going through the fridge freezer and found a bag of mixed frozen fruit. He was planning to make some blender drinks with it, but I think that's a lot of work to clean up afterwards. For me, just throw them in the water and freeze it. This will make my frozen treat so much better.
This morning, the Big Guy was considering on building us an Ark. Man oh man was it raining.
All that rain has knocked off all the leaves off the snow ball bush. So tell me how it was OK for the rain to do that and for me not to eat them? I know, I know... It isn't good for me and they are worried that I would get sick.
I am given the impression that I will NOT be on the couch that often. The Big Guy wasn't impressed with someone. But it was for the picture. Tonya thought it was precious how my feet are hanging off the couch.
Talking of feet. My paws are almost the size of Tonya's paws. Mine are shaped differently. She says that her toe nails get so long, she could climb a tree like a cat.
I guess I am not going to work for the drive today. Both Tonya Lynn Clarkeand the Big Guy are going to work at the same time. So I will not get to seeWandaJohn NicholsonDiane Hatcher, or Wendy like I did last week.
Bye bye for now

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