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Thursday, 21 July 2016

29/Jun/16 when do I loose my baby teeth?

29/Jun/16 when do I loose my baby teeth?

Good morning Cape Breton,
Maximus Handsomius reporting in from my Forever Home.
I was outside this morning, thinking about life. Just minding my own business. Letting the rain fall on me. Thinking about what I am going to be doing with my life. How many chew toys will I get? What is for supper? When will my big teeth come in? Will it hurt to loose my small teeth? Will I meet that special some one and have puppies of my own? Just letting my mind drift.... listening to the rain fall on the trees.. rain falling on the grass... when I hear the door open and FLASH!
WAY TO GO BIG GUY... You ruined the moment.
So as you can see, I am really not that big when compared to the size of a car.
Yesterday Julie MacIntosh picked me up and said how heavy I am. I am not as big as I am going to get, but I am still a lot bigger than I was two weeks ago. This time, BOTH Kristen Murphy and Christian Murphy was outside. I got to see Chad MacDonald and Jason Hatcher.
Last night, we went for a little longer walk. The Big Guy was limping at the end, but it's his left knee, he should have it replaced, but the Dr said he is too heavy to get it replaced. I will keep walking him and I am sure that he will loose weight as I gain weight. Then when we are at the proper weight, he can get his knee replaced.
But during the walk, I got to see Caroline Cox. She was walking with one of her friends. She said that I was a bear! I didn't roar though as I didn't want to scare her.
Then, when I was home and all tuckered out, I got to meet a new person.Katie Ellen Beaton came by. She patted me and said how big my feet are. My eyes are up here you know.
After she left, we went inside the house. There is this magic white box that is in the kitchen. The Big Guy got a carrot. He shared some with me. I made a mess of course, and left some carrot pieces on the floor. Tonya Lynn Clarkegot some strawberries and I know, with 100% certainty, it changed my water bottle into a FROZEN water bottle. It is a magic box. They open the door and food comes out of it. I am not smart enough to be able to open that doors on that magic box. But every time I see them open the box, I stick my head inside it. It is cold in there and I love the cold.
Bye by for now

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