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Friday, 22 July 2016

22/Jul/16 Uphill both ways

22/Jul/16 Uphill both ways

Good morning Cape Breton,

Maximus Handsomius reporting in from my Forever Home.

We went for a walk around the school yesterday.  It was a new direction to go in.  There is some uphill parts that are not too bad.  At least for me they are not too bad.  The Big Guy can remember when he was younger, living in Dartmouth, how he had to walk uphill to Dartmouth High School and then uphill to come home.  So yes, it was uphill both ways.

As we were coming home, there was an older guy that was sitting on his porch.  He asked us where did we get the leash to walk the bear.  I am pretty sure he was joking, 'cause I'm not a bear.

If the Big Guy were to play Pokemongo, not sure how well he would do.  It isn't like he doesn't walk, just that he doesn't walk as far as he used to.  But it seems to be a game that is getting people outside again.  But of course there is always the extremes that are making the news.  The game gives warnings that you should be paying attention to your surroundings when you are playing.  They were taking about how much data the game takes and how many cell phone carriers are going to be writing off cell phone bills because the kids have used up so much data to play the game.  You know there are always going to be a few that ruin it for the larger majority.

I heard a cheat that they got for their cell phones.  You have to walk so that it will hatch an egg. You have to walk 2 KM to hatch a certain egg, or 5 KM to hatch a different one.  People have been attaching their phone to the ceiling fan and then the phone goes round and round, simulating that it's walking.  I heard from the Big Guy that someone at work attached their phone to their ceiling fan and turned it on high.  Well it was too much for the cell phone and it flew off the fan and hit the floor.

I got to meet someone new yesterday.  Patricia Brown.  She was outside with Jocelyn MacLean.  Then again, I never met Jocelyn either.

Tonya made me a new frozen treat.  Instead of making the Bundt Pan with the frozen berries, she made smaller loafs.  They are just my size.  I had one last night after our walk.  I was able to eat the entire treat.  It was so good.

Bye bye for now

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