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Thursday, 10 January 2019

10/Jan/19 did you say "walk"

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So I don't know a lot of words in the human language.  But "walk" is one of my words that I know.  I'm surprised that humans don't know any animal languages at all.

Humans are pretty dumb.

Yesterday I was talking about all that snow that we were supposed to get.  Well guess what we didn't get.  We didn't get all the snow that was forecasted.  We did get a lot of rain however.

Now this has NOT upset the Big Guy at all.  He has to go outside this morning, before going to work and he has to take care of the front deck.  He doesn't want that to freeze.

Oh wait, he just checked the weather and it's supposed to go up to +3 today.  That means that he doesn't have to shovel off the deck at all.  Just the bit of the walk way to get to the road.  He doesn't want that to freeze and then the mail man refuses to deliver the mail.

He was also looking at the forecast and there is no precipitation in the forecast for the next week.  He find that bizarre.  Normally there is some sort of snow or rain within the week.

Mother Nature must be taking pity on the Big Guy.

Now, up the line.  Oh they got the snow.  Especially up in the Highlands.  Yup, they got a lot of snow.  But they seem to get a lot of snow every year.  So that's not too surprising for them.

I've heard that the Big Guy is going to be having ribs this weekend.  That is quite annoying for me as I don't get ANY ribs at all.  They could be really nice and get some beef ribs.  Now those should be safe for me.

Oh such is my life.  They get all the good food while I just drool as they eat.

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Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and the solar butterfly

Bye bye fur now

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