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Friday, 12 January 2018

12/Jan/17 I was violated

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Yesterday the Big Guy and Tonya took me to the Vet.  They took away my manhood.  So now, I will never have any little Maximus' in the world.  I am now unique.

The Big Guy is pretty adamant that I have to keep my cone on my head.  He doesn't want me licking my sutures.

Last night, after Tonya got home, she felt so bad for me.  I was still groggy from the medication that they gave me.  I only wanted to lay down.  Well she put a blanket over me.

I already wear a fur jacket.  Why would I need a blanket.

The Big Guy went outside to check the mail.
So off I ran to the door to see what he was up to.
Tonya insisted that I get back up on the love seat.

The removed all 4 dew claws that I had.
On my back paws, I had a "regular" dew claw
Then there was the "mutant" dew claw
But because those claws would always grow, they would have to take me to get those claws clipped every so often.  Otherwise, they would grow back around and puncture my leg.

The Big Guy caught me trying to lick my incision

Tonya was upset and was crying.  

I was laying on the love seat.  
I had my cone on my head.
I went to sleep.

I have to let the medication work.  But the medication makes me sleepy.  I've got 3 days of medication.  Boy oh boy, I'm going to be so ready to go for a walk again.

BUT, I've been told, no walks while I am recuperating.  Don't want to rip anything open.  So only VERY little walks around the yard.

Tonya stayed up with me most of the night.  I am glad that she has today off work.  I will be getting more medication later on and it is going to make me sleepy again.  I will need someone to look over me to make sure that I'm OK.

Nice to know that my humans are taking care of me.

So, on to the Word of the Day!  Today's word is:

Gasconade (noun)

Definition:  extravagant boasting

Sentence:  If you believe that gasconade of his story, he won the game on his own.

My sentence:  he had a gasconade.  What he thought was a fart, was actually a shit on deck.

Bye bye fur now.

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