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Tuesday, 16 January 2018

16/Jan/18 my paw is infected

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Happy Birthday to my owner, Tonya.

We went to the Vet yesterday and she was giving shit to my owners for letting me get to my paw.  It's full of infection.  Now my other paw and my neutering incision are fine.  

She said that they let me lick on the bandages and that's why it got infected.  Well that just isn't true.  They would take the cone off my head to give me a rest, but then when they would catch me trying to lick the bandages, the cone would go back on my head.

But I did sorta break the other cone.  So they had to get me a new cone.

Above is the previous cone.  My mussel would go to the end of the cone.

This one is a LOT bigger.  ALSO...  do you see my back paw?  The Vet gave them empty IV bags as booties for my back paws to keep them dry when I go outside.  Obviously with this new larger cone, I can't bring my back paw around to my mouth.  Otherwise, I would be ripping that right off my paw.

The Big Guy was asking me if I wanted to go outside.  Well he had to put this IV Bootie thing on my back paws.  I jumped up on the love seat.  I don't want to go outside any longer.

The Vet gave them some antibiotics and some sort of pill that makes me kinda mellow.  I am so stressed out by all this.  I don't want the IV Booties on.  But I do need to go outside.  WHAT TO DO???  FML

Yesterday was Tonya's day off.  After she gave me my "stress pill", I was so relaxed and comfortable.  She noticed that I was loosing my fur.  So she brushed me.  She was able to take a whole Sobey's Bag of fur off me.  That is a lot of fur.  But I have a lot of spare fur on my body.  If you think I got a lot of fur dropping off my body now, wait till Spring when I molt.  You are going to see fur EVERYWHERE!

In that picture, do you see the Duct Tape on my cone?  The Big Guy put that on the seams of my cone so that it will not be so easily destroyed.  We will see about that.  But I can say this...  this cone is designed differently and the materials it's made of is different.  I don't know why they didn't give them this cone to start with.

We are in for a big snow storm today.  About 25 cm of snow is in the forecast.  That's about 8 inches of the white stuff.  I think that both Tonya and the Big Guy are going to be working from home today.  That is, as long as the power holds out.

OK, on to the Word of the Day.  Today's word is:

Otiose  (adjective)
[oh-see-ohs, oh-tee]

Definition: Lazy: slothful

Sentence:  His parents found his sleeping-in to be otiose

My sentence:  The Big Guy has otiose arthritis in his left knee

Bye bye fur now.

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