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Saturday, 30 July 2016

30/Jul/16 it simply blew up like that

30/Jul/16 it simply blew up like that

Good morning Cape Breton,

Maximus Handsomius reporting in from my Forever Home.

So the Big Guy came to the back door to let me in.  He was just as surprised as I was.  There I was sitting on the back deck.  The pillow next to me.  When all of a sudden...  there was this bad dog that ran into the back yard, ripped up the pillow and then ran away...  


I mean, I was laying there and there was these aliens that came down and pew pew pew... they shot up my pillow...  


well, I was just laying there and I rolled over and POOF!  The pillow just blew up!..  


well...  I don't know what happened.  I was sleeping and I found it like that.

That's my story and I am sticking to it.

Yesterday I got excited and I took a bite out of Tonya's arm.  I made her cry.  I got put in the kennel for a long time.  She is looking for a puppy trainer for me and her.  She said that making the Big Guy take me to training is useless cause I already listen to him.  Each time I bite him, he does this thing with his hand where his finger are like teeth.  I don't attach him cause he does this bite thing on me.  You don't mess with the Big Guy for no reason.  I nip even a little bit and he does this bite thing at me.  Or WORST, he holds my mussel shut.  I don't like that at all.  But that's what my doggie mummy would do when I was bad.  She would hold my mussel in her mouth.  So if you know a puppy trainer that is willing to be hired to work on a Sunday, please reach out to her.

Tonya was saying that Wanda at work, she had problems with her doggie.  He wouldn't listen to her.  But he would listen to his master.  Well every time he would go after her, his master would correct him.  Eventually he understood, if I attach her, the master attacks him.  No attack = no attack from the master.  I think they must have talked with that master, cause last night, I went to jump on Tonya and the Big Guy freaked out on me.  Did that hand thing to me.

For those of you that are older and can remember Atlantic Grand Prix Wrestling, there was this guy, Killer Karl Kruup.  He would do, THE CLAW!  I think that's where the Big Guy gets this from.  For you younger folks, or people from away, here is a Wikipedia link. Click ==> HERE <==

So the Big Guy has plans today.  He is going to make his Meaty Spaghetti Sauce.  He was thinking of creating his own Cooking Blog.  But he needs to know, how many people would be interested before he would start doing something like that.

So that means they are going to have spaghetti for supper tonight.  I wonder if he is going to make home made garlic bread?  It smells sooooo good.  But I can't have any.  I get to have my puppy chow.  

The Big Guy knows that you can freeze this spaghetti sauce.  You can also use it in lasagna.  Oh wait, did I just give him an idea for tomorrows supper?  He said never to trust a skinny cook.  He must be right.  He isn't skinny and a lot of people tell him that he is a great cook.

So yesterday I got to dine outside.  It was too hot in the house.  Tonya brought my food dish to the front deck for me to eat there.  But then it started to rain.  We went to the back deck and while the humans sat under the gazebo, I laid on the deck, in the rain.  Doesn't the world smell great when it starts to rain?  I just laid on the deck, getting wet, taking it all in.  Life is wonderful.

Bye bye for now

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