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Thursday, 21 July 2016

17/Jul/16 the porcelain is cool

17/Jul/16 the porcelain is cool

Good morning Cape Breton,
Maximus Handsomius reporting in from my Forever Home.
My post is late today. The Big Guy got an email back in June that he never replied to He found it today, so he had to gather up a bunch of information that needed to be sent off.
So wasn't it warm yesterday? Busy day though. I got to have my ice treat. The berries frozen into a huge piece of ice. It was really too much for me to finish in one sitting. So when I was done, they put it back in the freezer. Hoping that I will be able to get it today and finish it.
As you can see by my photo, I am hot and laying by the toilet. It is so nice and cool to lay by the porcelain.
After Tonya Lynn Clarke cleaned the house, we went to Bras D'Or lakes. Guess what... I actually walked into the water. I really wasn't paying attention to where I was walking. I really wanted to meet this lady and she just happened to be standing in the lake. I stopped when the water got to my belly. She has a doggie. She is a mixed St. Bernard and Grey Hound. She is going to be REALLY tall. I got to play with her and nip at her. She nipped at me too. We both yelped cause that nipping hurts.
They took me home and do you know what the Big Guy did to me? He put me in the pool. I mean he actually pushed me down and then to make matters worst, he continued to poor water all over me. But he got all the sand and salt water out of my fur. So I guess it wasn't all bad.
Floyd Bennett came around with Mylynne and Colby. They had BBQ Hot Dogs and Hamburgers while I had Giant Puppy Kibble. Not sure who got the better deal.
After supper and a nap, Tonya and the Big Guy took me to the corner of Blowers and Pierce to watch the Bartown Parade. You want to talk about pats, and belly rubs. Man oh man, there was hands coming from all angles. I got to see the Color Party with the flags. The police drive a car just like the Big Guy. Only I bet their car goes a lot faster. I seen the Veterans. The Big Guy stood up and removed his hat. He held it to his chest while the colors and the veterans paraded past him. The Mayor of Cape Breton Regional Municipality seen the Big Guy showing respect and he said how that was very nice of him to do that. I seen so many people walk past me. Some even left the parade to come pat me. Then... I seen these GIANT doggies. Although I am not so sure they are a doggie, cause the Big Guy called them horses. They were scary big. I wanted to get away and hide. Then there was the fire trucks. I am sure glad they didn't wail their sirens or honk their air horns. Phew, that would have done me in for sure. That stuff is SUPER LOUD.
We walked home and I laid down and slept. But I got to meet my next door neighbor. Maureen Guy came over to say hello to me. But the mosquitoes were really bad. We went in after she left. She had a BBQ to go to and only dropped in for a short bit to say hello.
Bye bye for now.

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