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Friday, 4 January 2019

4/Jan/19 do I look like a Bull Dog

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Yesterday the Big Guy and I went for a walk.  It was very interesting.  We had to walk, mostly on the street and not on the sidewalk.  The sidewalks were mostly snow, or simply not shoveled off at all.  The Big Guy has often made the comment, if he would have a side walk in front of our house, that is something he would keep cleaned off.

So it's also garbage day today.  But that doesn't seem to matter too much.  The garbage people come around at 6 in the morning.  Then all the garbage is GONE!  Nothing for me to sniff.

Tell me that is fair.

So Tonya was entered into this Facebook contest and she won.  She got some coffee, hot chocolate, coffee cups and $100.00 in gift certificates.  She was quite pleased.  So is the Big Guy.  He is having a cup of coffee from the new cup, using one of the new coffee's that they won.  He says that he really likes it.  

The Big Guy has to wonder, is the coffee cup dishwasher safe?  I guess he's going to find out.

So with that $100.00, that will mean that they are going to be getting pizza.  Oh how I love pizza.  Although I'm not given enough of it.  But the crust.  Yummy!  nom nom nom

So, the Big Guy woke up a little earlier than normal for him.  Now I bet he is going to get some breakfast, put on the TV and promptly take a nap.

I guess I will nap with him.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - click on the picture to see the video

Max our Bernese Mountain Dog with my humans having a BBQ

Bye bye fur now

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