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Thursday, 10 October 2019

10/Oct/19 you don't share your sandwich, I don't share my bone

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Yesterday we sat outside for a bit.  Of course the Big Guy put his jacket on.  Tonya, she didn't wear a jacket as she said that it was warm outside.  The Big Guy thinks that she doesn't want to let go of Summer.

Tonya bought this turkey bacon last week.  She told the Big Guy, he is to cook it today, before it goes bad.

So, the Big Guy is hoping that there is some tomatoes in the fridge, so that he can have a bacon and tomatoe sandwich.

Now, because it's turkey bacon and not pork bacon, I wonder if I could have some?  Normally if I have any bacon, I get the squirts.

Last week, the Big Guy had to change the toilet seat.  So, when Tonya put the garbage out, she didn't put it in a bag.  Well the garbage collectors, didn't take the seat.  So this week, we will see if putting it in one of the large black garbage bags that the Big Guy bought for yard waste, will hide the fact that there is a toilet seat in the garbage.

The Big Guy didn't sleep all that well last night.  His back is sore.  He isn't too sure if it's just timely that he got a sore back, due to his night knee and he finds he can't lay on his side, which means he has to lay on his back.  Which is not how he normally sleeps.  So he put a pillow under his knees last night.  He found it helped a bit.

But he is still tired.  He is going to go for a nap.  I'm not sure who likes to nap more...  Me or the Big Guy.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog trying out the big chair

Bye bye fur now

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