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Wednesday, 20 July 2016

20/Jun/16 I love shoes

20/Jun/16 I love shoes

Good morning Cape Breton,
Maximus Handsomius reporting in from my Forever Home.
Although I do have chew toys... Look at my photo and ALL these wonderful shoes. I chew on one, or several at a time. I bring them down and take the shoe laces apart. Then they "find" me cause I am being quiet. They trade the shoe for the chew toy. But I REALLY LOVE SHOES!
Yesterday I got to meet a lot of family. We had a Father's Day BBQ for the Big Guy. Terry ClarkeCraig Stephen Clarke, Harry (Has) Clarke, Elaine Fry,Floyd Bennett, Mylynne Bonnar, and Colby Bonnar all dropped by for hot dogs and hamburgers.
I discovered that plastic water bottles makes great chew toy. Or better yes, a water bottle that still has some water in it. They are noisy enough to get my attention and soft enough to collapse when I bite on them. I can bite hard enough to make holes in the water bottle. I know that Kim D Cormier is worried that I may swallow a piece of the bottle if I chew on it enough. So far, I have only chewed on the water bottle a bit and then the wind blows it across the deck and it will slip between the deck rails and into the grass.
Also found out that ice is something that I like a lot. But it melts. But then someone else would go to the cooler and get me another piece of ice. This went on for several hours. They don't have shoes laying around on the back deck. So ice had to do. Ice ice baby...
Gloria Cormier has been saying that the Big Guy and Tonya Lynn Clarkeshould watch Ceasar Milan's Dog Whisperer. I know that they have watched several episodes in the past. This will make me a good doggie. Also make them better dog owners. They are not bag people, but they could use some polishing up.
Tonya Lynn Clarke fed the ferral cats again. I ALMOST got their food dishes. Geesh it was close. The Big Guy had me out and was walking around the back yard. I gave myself away as I ran to get the dishes. I should have acted all calm and cool and sneaked up on their food dishes. I bet the Big Guy wouldn't have reacted as fast as he did. I will get them next time.
Bye bye for now

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