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Monday, 28 September 2020

28/Sep/20 I've got my Halloween bandana on


Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Yesterday we went for a drive.  Geesh, a long drive at that.

Now, it's also Big Garbage week in Cape Breton.  People put their trash out that they would normally never get to the curb.

This also coincides with people in Cape Breton, driving around rummaging through your garbage.

Now, if they are nice, they will put it back and not just throw it around.

But we got Aurora a wooden high chair.  The back has got to be fixed up.  Right now, it reclines.  The Big Guy may be able to put some epoxy in the mechanism so that it no longer reclines.  He has never heard of a high chair that reclines.

They also got a bed for Aurora.  It is by Disney.  It has all kinds of princesses on it.

They also found this toy, but the Big Guy thinks, it actually is trash.  So it may find itself out to the curb.  

Plus, they found 4 x wooden kitchen chairs for Floyd.  The Big Guy was thinking, if Floyd doesn't want them, he would take them.  They often will have house parties and they do seem to run short of chairs.  Even though they have about 6 folding chairs in the basement.

Then the Big Guy got to thinking, why would he actually need them.  Nope, Floyd can decide what he wants with the chairs.

The bad part about driving around like they were, was that the Big Guy was braking really hard when he would see something that would catch his eye.  At one point, I flew off the middle seat of the car and into the foot well.  Of course, Tonya was sure that I hurt my little legs.

I was just more scared at how the front seats came RIGHT AT ME when he was braking.  Honestly, they should have put me in my harness and put the seat belt on for me.

They had originally went for a drive to go to Hank's Farm to get some veggies.  Well, they got there and left, just as quick.  It would seem that everyone else had got the same idea.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog barks at other dogs

Bye bye fur now

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