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Thursday, 21 July 2016

18/Jul/16 she's cleaning... again...

18/Jul/16 she's cleaning...  again...

Good morning Cape Breton,
Maximus Handsomius reporting in from my Forever Home.
I get put out on the deck while Tonya Lynn Clarke cleans the house. Thankfully it's a STRONG screen. Otherwise, I would punch right through the screen. They have a glass piece that goes in place of the screen. The Big Guy seen the worker kick the glass pane with his work boot. So that glass is really something.
I went into the Bras D'Or lakes again yesterday. Tonya picked me up and brought me out where it was a little deeper. So the water was up to my chest. I didn't like that much and ran for the shore.
Of course when we got home, what does the Big Guy do? He dumps me into the swimming pool that is on the deck and rinses the salt and the sand out of my fur. Yesterday because of the humidity, it took a long time for my fur to dry.
I got to play with Banting again yesterday. The Big Guy got her breed wrong. She is a St Bernard/Great Dane mix. We are a week apart in age, but I weigh 10 pounds more than she does. But she has LONG legs and a supple body. I guess I am just a muscle hound.
We sat on the deck for a bit while my fur dried. They ate supper, while I slept on the deck. They watched TV, while I slept on the deck. There was a lot of sleeping after all the frolicking that was done earlier in the day. Banting ran up the beach so I ran a long with her. Then we were put on our leashes. I guess running away is frowned upon.
Bye bye for now.

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