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Sunday, 4 February 2018

4/Feb/18 make me a sandwich

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Tonya finds it funny when I try to fit myself into the Wing Chair.  I must admit, parts of me kinda spill over the edges.

Well tomorrow, we are due for some more rain.  There is ice all over the place.  Yesterday when Tonya tried to open the passenger side of the car, it was frozen shut.  So if Elaine needs a drive somewhere, she isn't going to be getting it in our car.  That is unless she gets in the driver side and sits in the back.

Last night, the Big Guy made some chicken.  I know that the skin is the fattest part of the chicken.  I offered to eat the skin for him.  Well, he ate it all.  He just plain ignored me.  He does that a lot when he is eating.  Now, had it been Tonya.  Well, that's a different story.  Yesterday she had some meatballs in tomatoe sauce.  Guess who had some meatballs.  Yes, that would be me.  I had to be careful not to get any of the tomatoe sauce on my White fur.

Yesterday was kinda fun.  I was able to go to the basement with him while he was racking the wine he is making.  So I got to sniff the entire basement for about 45 minutes.  They even have a toilet in the basement.  I got to have a drink of water from that toilet.  But that got me yelled at.  So I stopped drinking from it.

But they have all kinds of boxes and other stuff in the basement.  There is sawdust all over the floor.  The Big Guy has some power tools down there.  He really should take the time to get the vacuum and clean that place up.

When Tonya got home, I was nipping at her.  That made the Big Guy put my training collar on.  I behaved after that.  They didn't have to "zap" me, only give me the training beep.  I'm good after that.

I got to have another night with out having the cone on my head.  I only have to remember, don't lick the bandages and I don't have to wear the cone.  No lick = no cone.  Easy to remember.  So far, no cone.

On to the Word of the Day.  Today's word is:

Buss (noun, verb)

My sentence:  I would only be allowed on the buss if I were a service dog.

Definition:  A kiss.

Sentence:  In France, a buss on the cheek is a standard social greeting.

Video of the day:  Bernese Mountain Dog goes wild when grandma visits

Bye bye fur now.

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