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Thursday, 21 July 2016

15/Jul/16 what's that noise?

15/Jul/16 what's that noise?

Good morning Cape Breton,
Maximus Handsomius reporting in from my Forever Home.
This morning is garbage day in North Sydney. As the Big Guy went out on the back deck to get the other bag of garbage, I ran out on the deck behind him. I just HAD to see what he was up to. So he is out front putting the garbage out and he could hear a REALLY unusual noise. Sounded like someone playing a drum. Or hitting a hollow log. But there was no rhythm to it. Not something that he could identify right away. I was playing with this plastic container that was left on the deck. I would knock it with my paws and chase after it.
As you can see, there is also another one of my toys that is on the deck. I call it my Picachu. It used to belong to Sebastian. But he doesn't live here any longer. Well, he does, sorta. His ashes are in a can in the hutch. They also took a plaster impression of his paw. I think my paw is just as big.
So, I went to the Vet yesterday. I weigh 37 pounds. That is a gain of 10 pounds in 4 weeks. The Vet tested me for Hip Dysplasia. (Big Guy had to Google that word). I also got my Rabies shot and my Distemper shot. So now I can play with all the other doggies that are out there. I will be getting a booster shot next month some time. The Vet said some people don't, but my owners, they always take good care of their Furry Sons.
Yesterday I got to met a whole new group of people. Finally got to see Chris MacIntosh. He took a video of me so that TerryLynn and his kids could see me. He said that the pictures of me do me no justice. Remember, I have step brothers and step sisters that are looking for their own Forever Home.
I got to see that pretty lady again and another dude. They work for a Baby Monitor account. The Big Guy knows faces, not so much names. He is bad for that.
Then Tonya Lynn Clarke took the Big Guy to Winnie's Wagon. That is his favorite Fish & Chips place in all of Cape Breton Island. The people that I got to meet there. WOW! I must have been patted by a bazillion people. One lady that really wanted to pat and hug me, but she worked with the food that is being prepared at the restaurant. Her grandfather used to live down the street from us. His name is Howard Gillis. But he passed away a number of years ago. He used to sit on his front lawn enjoying the day.
So, out of all the people that I got to meet yesterday, what did they all say? You guess it, I have BIG FEET.
Bye bye for now

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