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Wednesday, 20 July 2016

13/Jun/16 first night after arriving at my forever home

1st night after arriving at my forever home

Hello Cape Breton.
My name is Maximus Handsomius.
"Maximus" for short. I think my nickname is "No-no don't do that".
I was born in Bertrand New Brunswick on 10/Apr/16. That's really close to Bathurst. If it wasn't such a long drive to get back to my new forever home.., I would have gone to Campbellton to get some cheap beer on the Quebec side.
I do have some step-brothers and step-sisters that can be adopted to other forever homes. Reach out to the guy that is posting this and he can give you more details.
I have a lot of growing to do. I am only small, (2 months old and about 20 pounds) but my paws are really big. The people in my forever home think that I am going to grow into my paws and I will be about 130 to 140 pounds when I am all grown up.
I even have some friends that are Pugs. They can be adopted too, but they will not be ready for their forever homes till late September or early October.
I have been told to tell everyone on Facebook, you will be seeing a lot of photos of me.
There is a very nice lady that I met yesterday, Gloria Cormier, she calls me her "Furry Grandson". I think I am the first puppy she ever held in her arms. I made sure not to lick or bite her.
The other lady that says she loves me, Tonya Lynn Clarke, she is really nice too. She walks me in the grass where it isn't too muddy. She feeds me, gives me water and some play toys. She gives lots of hugs and belly rubs. Oh and back scratches. They are the best.
I gotta go to the Vet soon to get checked out there. Then I will know how much I weigh and they will make sure that I get vaccinated and other stuff that I need so that I can be a big healthy puppy.
Bye for now Facebook Friends!

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