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Thursday, 21 July 2016

5/Jul/16 Happy Birthday to my non-furry brother Marc Cormier

5/Jul/16 Happy Birthday to my non-furry brother Marc Cormier

Good morning Cape Breton,
Maximus Handsomius reporting in from my Forever Home.
Yesterday I had my first Frozen Yogurt. The Big Guy had read that having yogurt isn't bad for me. But giving me ice cream, I can't digest that too good and it will make me get sick. It made me thirsty and Tonya Lynn Clarke was good enough to share her water. Even though I had a new swimming pool full of water.
Here is a link to the new video the Big Guy made for me:
After they were done torturing me with the pool, the bathed me. Then they dumped out the water from the pool. The Big Guy had a bucket of fresh water that he used to rinse the shampoo out of my fur.
Yesterday morning, we took Tonya to her People Veterinarian. Joanna wanted to meet me. So I was snuck into the office. The Big Guy was worried that other patients would be there, but there was no one there but Joanna and Dr Knott. They both loved me up, patted me and gave me treats. Who knew that the Dr would keep treats in his desk. Dr Knott said that I was his and that he was going to keep me.
Today is Tuesday. I was told that Tuesday I would get to meet Kimberly Fahie.
I seen in the weather report that we could end up getting some thunder showers today. Not sure that I am going to like that very much. Thunder can be super loud. But that will not be until supper time and Tonya Lynn Clarkeshould be home with me by then. But we will still have to go get the Big Guy from work. Not sure if I will go for a walk tonight if there is Thunder and Lightening. Where I go for walks, there is a lot of tall trees.
Tonya got me a new elevated feeding station. That way I will not get "The Bloat" when I eat. It keeps my head up when I am eating and drinking. We will get photos of me feeding from it some day.
Bye bye for now

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