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Thursday, 21 July 2016

10/Jul/16 I stare at stuff

10/Jul/16 I stare at stuff

Good morning Cape Breton,
Maximus Handsomius reporting in from my Forever Home.
In the morning, I have to rush downstairs so that I am put outside. Then when I am outside, I just stare at stuff.
It's supposed to rain today. I feel bad for the people that have come to visit Cape Breton Island. They must think that the weather here is cold and rains a lot. But I hear the weather is supposed to be nice again on Thursday. After that... not so much.
Yesterday the Big Guy defrosted the stand up freezer. He found stuff in there that he didn't recognize. So he had to throw it out to the green bin. I would have liked to chew on it for a bit. Just to see what he was throwing out. There could have been some good stuff in there. Now I will NEVER know.
He also made two large donair pizza's. He will be posting that info later. Right now, it's all about ME, not him and his cooking. He doesn't cook anything for ME. With all his skills, you would think he could make me a nice doggie biscuit beef stew. But does he? Nooooo....
I hear that the Big Guy will be going through the freezer in the kitchen. I wonder what he will find in there? Perhaps stuff that I can eat?
Then, I seen the Big Guy putting water into a Bundt Pan. It's made is silicone so it will be easy to remove. But then he put the Bundt Pan in the freezer. Now to wait for it to freeze. I think it's ready today, but with the weather being as bad as it is... I will not likely get this block of ice till Thursday.
I was supposed to get some visitors yesterday. but when Tonya got home, she wasn't up to having visitors. She wanted to go to bed and rest her head. Although her job isn't physically demanding, it requires a lot of fast thinking. That can be very demanding on you emotionally.
Well I know that the Big Guy wants to post is precious pictures of his pizza, so I better let him have access to the keyboard.
Bye bye for now.

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