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Wednesday 31 July 2019

31/Jul/19 why don't you have an air conditioner

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So it's warm in Cape Breton.

Really warm.  To say that it never gets that hot in Cape Breton, well that would be an obvious lie.  But geesh... +34 C with the humidex?  That is too much.

Now, the Big Guy isn't complaining about the hear one bit.  He seems to like it for some reason.

He is just friggin weird.

He is sitting at the computer desk, drinking hot coffee.

He says that he would go outside, but the mosquitoes are still on the go.  

Now, he says he is going to fix that.  He got my non-furry Memere to buy him a mosquito vacuum.  We're going to see how well that works.

Oh, so now the Big Guy wants to go hang out in the living room where the fan is.  Well isn't he the smart one.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog having steak for his 3rd birthday

Bye bye fur now

Tuesday 30 July 2019

30/Jul/19 laying quietly by the hot dog maker

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I heard about the weather for the next few days.  This is so unusual for Cape Breton.  We're going to be getting humidex values in the high 30's.

If ever there was days that you wanted to own a swimming pool...  this would be it.

The Big Guy checked the temp on the cameras that he has installed inside the house.  They are reading 27 C.  For my US friends, that would be 81 F.  Yup, that's warm.  It's likely going to get worst before the day is out.

So with that being said, I have to wonder if the Big Guy is going to be doing a BBQ, where some hot dogs gets cooked.

Hot weather or not...  I do love them hot dogs...  oh yea...

With these temps being so high...  I have to wonder if the Big Guy's idea to mow the lawn, if it should be put on hold.  I would think yes.  Now, if he wants to trim the hedge and what not.  Go for it.  I bet he will be drinking a lot of water today.  Just like me.

Now, I also realize, yes it is hot for Cape Breton.  But Tonya was talking with someone at work.  Now, Tonya didn't share where they were at, but it was 117 F there.  That would be 46 C.  Yup, really hot.

However, my non-furry uncle Marc wins them all.  He is in Egypt.  Today, it's going to be 52 C or 125 F.  I would say, he wins.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and the hot dog maker

Bye bye fur now

Monday 29 July 2019

29/Jul/19 it's too hot to chew on those shoes

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

A lot of people are complaining about the heat.  Which is fine as it is hot for this part of the country.  But put a fur coat on first.  Then see how you feel about the heat.

Then, there is the mosquitoes.  You go outside and they are hungry.

The Big Guy was looking up this item.  It's like a vacuum, but it attracts mosquitoes.  Now, when he was looking at the reviews on Canadian Tire, it would seem that it works pretty good.  But when he was looking at the same product on Amazon, people hated the product.  They said it didn't work.

Perhaps we have different mosquitoes in Canada than what they got in the United States.

The Big Guy was looking at something that he had cooked in the past.  Now he's thinking about making it again.  It is a hearty beef stew with tea biscuits.  Now, the biscuits I can have.  But the beef stew... nope, it's got onions in it.

Always with the onions.

BUT, there is a saving grace in this.  When he makes the beef stew, he cuts the fat off the steak.  He also cooks it in the cast iron pot to render the taste out of the fat, which he uses for his beef stew.  Then, when he's done with the fat, he cools it off and gives it to me in my food dish.

Because he does this quietly, I never know when it's going to appear in my food dish.  It's not like he announces it, like what Tonya does.  She makes quite the production of giving me something that I would normally not get, and puts it in my food dish.

I'm not sure which I prefer.  Quietly finding this item, or fan fare at the food dish.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog enjoying the pool and the deck

Bye bye fur now

Sunday 28 July 2019

28/Jul/19 I'm in disguise, like Superman

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Yesterday the Big Guy made his chicken fricassee.  Tonya says that she prefers it with the skinless chicken as the found the skin was slimy.  But it did have a great taste.

So, the Big Guy is always learning when cooking.

First off, he could have given me the skin.  Cooked of course.  Geesh, I'm not a cave dog.

Second, he could have cooked a steak at the same time.  Then give that to me.

Third, see the second thing about cooking the steak.

Fourth, see the steak thing, but perhaps with the chicken skin.  I bet that would taste wonderful.

Last night, I learnt something new.  

Hot Dogs don't always come from the Hot Dog maker, AKA the BBQ.  Hot Dogs can also come from the cast iron skillet that is done on the stove top.

Tonya decided that they would have their supper on the back deck.  Well the mosquitoes had plans for their own supper and decided to eat upon Tonya and the Big Guy.

There is a lady at work, she was talking about this mosquito vacuum.  Apparently it has a lure of some sort and then the vacuum part, well, it sucks them in.  Since other bugs have gone to bed, or where ever it is that they go at night, only the mosquitoes get sucked into this machine.

The Big Guy has an easier solution.  Just get a screened in deck.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and his other frozen treat

Bye bye fur now

Saturday 27 July 2019

27/Jul/19 yes, I'm upset, you didn't share your chicken

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So there is this restaurant that is in Cape Breton.  It's got the best chicken on the island.

It's called A&K Lick-A-Chick.

You have to go past it if your going to Newfoundland.

There was a big thing that happen way back in '98 where an image of Jesus Christ showed up on the side of the Tim Horton's, which is located across the highway from the Lick-A-Chick.  It was an image that showed up do the light.

So the manager at Tim's changed the light and the image was gone.

But back to my story.

Last night, Tonya and the Big Guy went to the Lick-A-Chick.  They got themselves a snack pack and then ate it while sitting out on the back deck.

Of course, I STARED at Tonya.  She gave me some of her fries.

Now, what do you think the Big Guy did?

Well he certainly didn't share any of it with me.

I'd starve if it wasn't for the kibble he buys for me.

So I was upset and went and faced the other way.

What upset me the most.  He threw all the chicken bones off the deck as he was finished with them.  He actually threw the bones away for the sea gulls.  


He can be so cruel.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog having watermellon

Bye bye fur now

Friday 26 July 2019

26/Jul/19 that water is COLD

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Yesterday, the Big Guy took Mylynne and Floyd to Sydney to get them a baby crib and a car seat.  But during that time that they were gone, Tonya cleaned out my little wading pool and filled it back up.  Well, the water was cold.  Really good for drinking, but not so much for standing in.  It needs to warm up first.

Yesterday the Big Guy got out his branch cutters and went after the hedge that is along side the driveway.  He put the remnants into the green bin and put the green bin to the curb.

Now, yesterday, Tonya and the Big Guy were having a few glasses of wine.  After supper, the Big Guy went and laid down.  But when he got up, here his next door neighbor took out the remainder of the hedge.  So now, there is no more hedge on the side of his driveway.

See, no more hedge to the left of the screen.

Now, if Tonya had her ways, the front hedge would be gone as well.  But the Big Guy doesn't mind that hedge at all.  Not sure what she would have there if it would be taken out.

I think Summer if finally going to make an appearance this week in Cape Breton.  They are forecasting for humidex values in the low 30's for the next week.  This is going to make the Big Guy really happy.

They might even be able to sit out, after dark, without wearing a jacket.  That will please the Big Guy to no end.

Myself, I'm going to need a fan, turned on high, and my face towards the fan.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog is home again

Bye bye fur now

Thursday 25 July 2019

25/Jul/19 be very very quiet, I'm hunting rabbits

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Yesterday the Big Guy made a beer battered fish.  He says that he has to change the grease as it didn't do the best job he has seen in a bit.  From what I've seen, grease does break down and it does have to be replaced every so often.  

Now, you do NOT pour the old grease down the drain pipes.  That can cause a major problem with the drain system.

The Big Guy also enjoyed his bacon sandwich yesterday morning.  Tonya got up later and she also had a bacon sandwich.  I got some of her toast, but none of the bacon.

I'm not sure why bacon and other pork stuff, goes right though me.  Oh what a mess it makes when it comes out of me.

Leo is building on to his house and his wife, Bonnie, well, she needs a quiet place to lay her head down so that she can sleep.  She is working the back shift.  The Big Guy and Tonya have told her, she can have the back guest room while they are working.  We will see if she shows up today.

So the weather hasn't been agreeable.  Yesterday, it was spitting out.  Not exactly a shower.  Definitely not raining.  But enough to annoy someone that it trying to work outside.

The Big Guy needs to replace his slippers again.  He has walked through another pair.  Not like he goes outside with them.  Just around the house.  Last time, he had a pair with Batman logo on them.  They were just the slip on ones.  So they went FLAP FLAP FLAP when he walked around the house.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog picnic table part 2

Bye bye fur now

Wednesday 24 July 2019

24/Jul/19 why yes, I am comfortable, why do you ask

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Yesterday the Big Guy made some ribs.  Of course, I'm not allowed to have ribs.

This morning, the Big Guy made some bacon that was cooked in the oven.  Well, I'm not allowed to have that either.

This is pretty annoying.

I have to wonder, when is he going to make something that I'm allowed to have?

I heard him mumbling about this crock pot cabbage roll.  Well, wouldn't you know...  I'm not allowed to have that either.

Now, I seen him putting fish out.  Haddock loins.  He will pan fry those.  Now that is something that I can have.  But if I were trying to get it off the Big Guy's plate, I would be starving.  I can beg at his feet till the cows come home.  He doesn't put up with that.  So with him, I just give up.

We had some guests over last night.  Leo and Bonnie from down the street.  At one point, I showed Leo where my treats were.  So that was that.  Then every time he would go to the bathroom, I would follow him to make sure that he gave me a couple treats.

The Big Guy found a new game that he is playing on his XBox.  It has something to do with war ships.  I guess it is keeping him interested for a bit.

I wonder if they make video games about pets?

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and Martini

Bye bye fur now

Tuesday 23 July 2019

23/Jul/19 it's so much cooler by the open window

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Yes, it's raining outside today.  Not really a good day to be outside if your an animal that has fur.

Talking of fur.  The Big Guy came after me again with that rake.  I get upset as it pulls at my fur.  Yes, it's removing the old fur, but I don't like it one bit.  BUT then, when I try to snap at his hands, well, quick as a whip, he puts the rake in my mouth.  So when I snap, I'm snapping at the rake.

Have you ever stepped on a rake?  Hurts.

Try biting one, see how that feels.

Then he goes right back to raking my fur again.

But they did take a lot of old fur off my body and yes, I'm that much cooler.

But the price to be cool.  Not sure that it's worth it.

The Big Guy boiled up some sausages this morning.  Then he is going to fry them.  I wonder just how much I have to bug Tonya to be able to get some of her sausage?  I will have to drool quite a bit.  I know there is pork in the sausage.  But I'm quite sure, she will give in.

Last night, when Tonya and the Big Guy got home, I was so excited, I let out this fart.

Well, they put me outside and then they were wandering around the house, trying to see if I had an accident.

No accident, just farts.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog forgets his indoor voice

Bye bye fur now

Monday 22 July 2019

22/Jul/19 it's OK, I'm warm, you go on without me for now

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So to say that Bernese Mountain Dogs shed a bit, is like saying NASCARs do a lot of left turns.

Look at the picture again.  Look at the fact that there is some fur on the ground to the right of the picture.

Your should see how much fur is just laying around the house.  

Tonya bought a Dyson vacuum a couple years ago.  When she runs the vacuum, she has to empty the canister, at least twice.  That is how much fur I drop in a week.  BUT this week, since it has been extra warm in the house, I am betting, she may need to empty it 3 or even 4 times.

Yes, they have brushed me, but sometimes, the brush is aggravating and pisses me off.  They got this other thing, it's called a rake.  That one isn't too bad.  It doesn't pull like the brush does.

Tonya has said that I need to go to the groomer and they can pull out all my loose fur.  Yea... that isn't going to happen if I have anything to say about it.

Lets roll the way back machine to the Summer of '77...

When the Big Guy was a young lad.  He had longer hair.  Now, his job at the cottage was to mow the lawn.  Well, he decided at high noon, it was time to mow the lawn.  He did 3 passes with the lawn mower and stopped the lawn mower and went to find my non-furry Memere and ask her to take him for a hair cut.  Which she did.

They went to St Antoine and went to the barber.  Now, in days of old, it was sort of a gathering place for gentlemen to talk about this and that.  The barber would sit in the chair and they would all have a chat.

The Big Guy walked in.  Hair down past his ears and on his neck.  He looked at the old fellas and looked at the barber.  He took the seat and the barber put the sheet around his shoulders.  He asked the Big Guy, how would he like his hair cut today.

The Big Guy looked at the older gentlemen that were sitting around. He pointed at them and said, cut my hair like them.

Well, the older guys all started exclaiming and expostulating.  The barber asked if he was sure.  The Big Guy said, it's time to get my hair cut.

Since that fateful day, the Big Guy has always had short hair.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and the hot dog maker

Bye bye fur now