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Thursday, 21 July 2016

7/Jul/16 Ice Ice Baby

7/Jul/16 Ice Ice Baby

Good morning Cape Breton,
Maximus Handsomius reporting in from my Forever Home.
So as you can see in my photos from last night, I got my ice block, or ice loaf, or what ever it is you want to call it. The Big Guy thought he was being funny when he was saying; Max, look, it's Ice Ice Baby. The song... get it? Well he thought it was funny.
We went for a walk to the Pierce St Diary to get our winning lotto tickets. I was told, if we win, I get a BIGGER doggie house. Wait... I don't have a outdoor doggie house now...
Afterward, we went to see the "Screamers" down at Indian Beach. At least that is what the Big Guy calls them. It is an open mic and they tend to sing country songs. I don't think he is a big fan of that music. But they had signs up for NO DOGS all over the place. So I didn't get out of the car.
I seen Paul Campbell Sr. and Laura Campbell in their Camero.
Then we went to WalMart. When Tonya Lynn Clarke and the Big Guy bought me my giant crate, there was a nice lady that helped them. Her name is Chelsea. I was supposed to met her by now, but every time they bring me to see her, she isn't working. But when the Big Guy was at Customer Service, they told him that they all know about me as Chelsea talks about me a lot and how she helped my non-furry Mommy and non-furry Daddy.
Then we went to visit with Aunt Sis and Uncle George. He has a complicated Polish last name and no one could pronounce it or let alone spell it. So he legally changed it to Smith.
After we left here, we went to see Margaret Ann Warren. She one of Tonya's friends. She only had her bathrobe on when she came outside to see me. I tried to get under her robe, but she kept it closed. She said that I have cute furry bum. Margaret Ann said that I am so much bigger in person.
I also seen Julie MacIntosh when we were picking up the Big Guy from work. But I haven't seen Christian Murphy, in like... FOREVER! Did she find another doggie to hug and rub their belly?
This morning, I thought I would entertain myself with the kitchen mat. The Big Guy put cayenne pepper where I was chewing on the corner of the mat. Turns out, I got other things that I like to chew on better now.
Bye bye for now

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