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Thursday, 21 July 2016

30/Jun/16 the toilet paper

30/Jun/16 the toilet paper

Good morning Cape Breton,
Maximus Handsomius reporting in from my Forever Home.
So I discovered a new game. Not sure about the rules just yet. The game starts off, by me waiting for Tonya Lynn Clarke to go to the bathroom. Then I run in the bathroom with her. Then the game starts... I attack the toilet paper. I have been able to get pieces of it off the roll. Then leave the pieces of toilet paper on the floor and get more. Like I said, I am not sure of what the rules are and I don't know how to win, but so far, just playing this new game, seems to be really fun.
Their counter move. Close the bathroom door when they are not in the bathroom. I will never win if they keep doing that.
Didn't it rain hard yesterday? Still went for a walk though. The Big Guy was limping pretty hard when we got home, but God love him, he still walked around the block. I think the weather effects his knee a lot.
I got a new big container (it's like a giant tupperware container) for my new food. Not sure where they are going to put this new container. Right now, it's next to where my food and water bowl is. But the container takes up a lot of room. Guess they will find a place.
The Big Guy was telling me that my friend, Gloria Cormier, is going to go on a long trip by train to visit Marc Cormier and Nancy Murphy Cormier. She will be on the train a long time. Almost 24 hours. Canada is a really BIG country.
We don't have trains in Cape Breton. We got the tracks, but the company that ran the trains, found that there was no business here. The Big Guy hopes that since they dredged the harbour, that they will build a big container pier in our harbour and the post panama canal ships will come to our harbour. That will bring the trains back. With any luck, the people that live away for their jobs, will come back and that will increase the value of my Forever Home.
I hear they are going to live here a long time. The Big Guy was telling me that their previous doggie, he moved from Winnipeg, to Cole Harbour and then here. He even flew by plane when he went from Winnipeg to Halifax. I bet that was scary. I think I will stick with the car. That way, I can stop and have pee breaks on the side of the highway.
Bye bye for now

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