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Thursday, 21 July 2016

21/Jul/16 Bluenose II

21/Jul/16 Bluenose II

Good morning Cape Breton,
Maximus Handsomius reporting in from my Forever Home.
So as you can see from the pictures that the Big Guy took from Tonya Lynn Clarke, I got to see the Bluenose II. Canada's Schooner. This ship is also on the Canadian Dime ($0.10). Our money has lots of stuff on it.
The Penny, which is gone, had a Maple Leaf
The Nickle, has a Beaver
The Dine, has the Bluenose II
The Quarter, has a Moose
The $1.00, or Loonie, has a Loon
The $2.00, or Toonie, has a Polar Bear
There is a fifty cent piece, but it isn't in circulation. Just like other denominations. My non-furry step brother Marc Cormier, could tell you more as he collects coins.
Anyways... back to me.... I got to see this ship. But a lot of people were more interested in ME! Imagine that? I would get excited and try to jump, but the Big Guy had me on my short leash. Some people thought I am a St. Bernard. But they have a lot more white on them than I do. Everyone kept telling me, what large feet I have.
Getting a complex about my big paws. I need to grow up fast so that I have a big body to go with those big paws.
The Big Guy was making fun of one of the deck crew. She was stuck on the ship and wasn't able to come pat me. But as the Canadian Ambassadors that are showing off the ship, they all have important jobs to do.
But it just wasn't the crew that I got to meet. It was EVERYONE else walking around the jetty! The people were going to see the ship, but they all patted me. Some of the women gave me hugs and kisses. So I tried to sit and be a good doggie. But sometimes I would get all wound up and would jump up. Good thing my nails are cut.
I got to see Elaine yesterday. That's Tonya's sister. She had a knee operated on. But I was excited and was running around being silly. She didn't really enjoy her visit as she was worried about her knee.
The Big Guy will be posting my blog soon. It's still a work in progress.
Bye bye for now

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