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Thursday, 21 July 2016

25/Jun/16 my favorite chew toy

25/Jun/16 my favorite chew toy

Good morning Cape Breton,
Maximus Handsomius reporting in from my Forever Home.
Every night, Tonya Lynn Clarke puts me outside. She will got for a nap on the couch. This morning, I was late getting up and after the Big Guy brought me back in, I ran and guess who I found still napping on the couch? MY FAVORITE CHEW TOY! I was really excited to see her. I tried to get up on the couch with her. I don't think she is a morning person like me and the Big Guy.
I got to go inside the NSLC yesterday. As we were parked at the NSLC, the Big Guy rolled down the window and I was hanging outside the car. He had control of my leash so that I didn't jump out the window. People were admiring me as they were walking by. But then the staff at the NSLC spotted me. They insisted that I be brought into the store. So I got to meet all the staff. Some of the customers too.
Not sure if I am going to see WandaJohn Nicholson this morning. I know that the Big Guy is going to be driving Tonya Lynn Clarke to work and she said that she is going to be there to greet me.
Later on, me and the Big Guy are going to go to Whitney Pier and get my dog tags. Then go to Country Co-op for more dog food. Some one said, he could bring me into that store too. Guess I will find out.
Then we have to cut the grass at my Forever Home. I understand that the Big Guy is going to put me in my kennel so that I don't get hurt by flying stuff. There is a lot of stuff that can fly off a lawn mower. They are noisy too and hurt my ears.
I seen a boy on a skate board yesterday. The wheels on the ground makes really LOUD noise and I was scare. I tried to hide behind Tonya Lynn Clarke. She protected me from the skate board.
That's it for now. I have to go have breakfast. It is only being served for about 10 minutes.
Bye bye for now

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