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Thursday, 21 July 2016

3/Jun/16 always taking pictures

3/Jun/16 always taking pictures

Good morning Cape Breton,
Maximus Handsomius reporting in from my Forever Home.
I was at peace just eating my breakfast and the Big Guy comes around the corner and FLASH! Way to go, ruined my breakfast. (Faithful readers, don't worry, Max went right back to his food bowl)
I was hoping that I was going to see Kimberly Fahie yesterday. Wasn't it Tuesday yet? I don't know how to tell time or know what a calendar is. Is today Tuesday? Do I get to see her today?
Yesterday the Big Guy took me for a walk and went the wrong direction. We normally walk counter clockwise when going for walks around the block. Yesterday we went clockwise. I kept wanting to go back but the Big Guy kept bringing me in the other direction. But I got to meet Mike, who lives just to the East of us.
Then later on, during the same walk I got to meet a Poodle that lives just around the corner from us. This Poodle didn't bite me, but I was still submissive. I remembered how that Cocker Spaniel came at me last weekend. The man kept saying how big my feet were and how my fur is really soft. His little boy touched me. He was scared at first as I am up to his chest. Pretty sure if I would have jumped on him, I would have knocked him down. But I was really good and didn't jump or nip at him. There was another little person, he was in a stroller and I didn't get to met them.
When we got home, I was tired and laid down in the grass. The Big Guy didn't want to wait. He kept pulling on the leash. Well darned thing happened. My harness came right off. The Big Guy made some adjustments and my harness is tight again.
I got to play a new game with the Big Guy, It's called "Stop". He holds a treat in his closed hand. I can smell it cause my nose is really good at sniffing stuff. I was trying to lick his hand and nudge his hand open with my mussel. He would say "Stop" and when I would back off and relax, he would open his hand for me to get the treat. I was doing really good with this game and I got to play it later on with Tonya Lynn Clarke. I still jump and nip on her. She is NOT impressed. Then she gets upset when I don't do that to the Big Guy. I hear I need "more training". The Big Guy says she has to re-direct his actions. So to bring a chew toy or a treat and play the "Stop" game.
Bye bye for now.

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