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Tuesday, 26 July 2016

26/Jul/16 my apple a day

26/Jul/16 my apple a day

Good morning Cape Breton,

Maximus Handsomius reporting in from my Forever Home.

In these pictures, I am being hand fed my Cortland Apple.  It doesn't slice itself you know.

The Big Guy was looking at the weather network and he thinks that our hot weather is about done.  The warm weather is going to be gone for 2016.  That's not to say that we will not have warm days, just not the hot days we had these last few days.  It doesn't get blistering hot like it does in the Prairies  I know how they think it's cute when we say that it's +30 and we are melting here.

Melissa and Linda (my non-furry sisters) live in the Prairies.  They can tell you about hot.  They can also tell you about cold too.  But they will say something like it's a dry cold.  Which is true.  Living in the Maritimes, we have the humidity like it's no one's business..

The Big Guy was telling me that Krystal Cashin it back at work.  She left for a bit to go work for another company.  But she is back again.  He is really happy about that.  Actually it just isn't him, it's everyone at work that is glad she is back.  Jason Hatcher showed her a picture of me and she said that I have really big paws.  Is that the ONLY thing you noticed about me?  How about how cute I am, or that I have a wonderful personality?

My puppy fur it starting to fall out.  The Big Guy and Tonya were taking turns brushing me on the deck.  They got lots of fur off me.  So far, I am not too keen about getting brushed.  But after they were done, I was extra soft.

Yesterday Tonya wanted to get rid of this bread that they have been eating.  The other day, she bought these specialty breads.  There was flax and quinoa.  Then there was sunflower seed bread.  But both her and the Big Guy don't need the extra roughage.  They can go potty without the extra help.  So she was ripping up the bread and throwing it out to the birds.  Well I wanted the bread.  In the end, they didn't even eat the bread.  It was too late in the day for them to be feeding.  They wanted to go to sleep.  So if they don't eat their bread soon, it's going to rain and then there will be a soggy mess left over.

The Big Guy is asking that you put in your email below to subscribe to my blog.  Yesterday he forgot to post my blog to Facebook.  People had to wait an extra 30 minutes before they seen my blog.  This way, they should get my blog the instant he posts it for everyone to see.

Bye bye for now.

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