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Sunday, 31 July 2016

7/31/2016 supper time

7/31/2016 supper time

Good morning Cape Breton,

Maximus Handsomius reporting in from my Forever Home.

This is where I sit when the Big Guy and Tonya are having their supper.

Yesterday the Big Guy spent his entire day cooking and doing his new Food Blog.  No fun at all for me.  I guess it is really taking off too.  But I understand, everyone can eat.  Not everyone has a dog.  But do you think he would have shared any of his food with me?  Not even a little bit.

It wasn't really hot out yesterday, but you couldn't move without breaking into a sweat.  It was just so muggy outside.  Oh well, I know those same people who are complaining about the heat will soon be complaining about the cold.  You should try wearing a fur jacket all year round.

The Big Guy and Tonya have been brushing my fur.  I am loosing a lot of fur lately.  I am pretty sure if's my puppy fur that is falling out.  But it's all over the house.

I heard that the Big Guy is going to make Lasagna today.  I wonder if that means I will be visited by Garfield the cat?  Likely no cause the Big Guy is allergic to cats.

But after supper, we sat out on the front deck.  I got an icy treat and they got cold beer.  They set up the umbrella so they would be out of the sun.  I wonder why they just didn't go sit out back in the shade?  Humans can be weird.

Last week, the Big Guy and Tonya went to see the new Star Trek movie.  They were supposed to go see the new Jason Borne movie.  But those plans didn't pan out.  It can be expensive to go to the movies.  They bought beer instead of going to the movies.  I am pretty sure they enjoyed the beer a lot more than the movie.

Today, I heard that Tonya is going to clean the house and try to find all my loose fur that is all over the place.  ha ha...  Good luck with that.

Bye Bye for now

Saturday, 30 July 2016

30/Jul/16 it simply blew up like that

30/Jul/16 it simply blew up like that

Good morning Cape Breton,

Maximus Handsomius reporting in from my Forever Home.

So the Big Guy came to the back door to let me in.  He was just as surprised as I was.  There I was sitting on the back deck.  The pillow next to me.  When all of a sudden...  there was this bad dog that ran into the back yard, ripped up the pillow and then ran away...  


I mean, I was laying there and there was these aliens that came down and pew pew pew... they shot up my pillow...  


well, I was just laying there and I rolled over and POOF!  The pillow just blew up!..  


well...  I don't know what happened.  I was sleeping and I found it like that.

That's my story and I am sticking to it.

Yesterday I got excited and I took a bite out of Tonya's arm.  I made her cry.  I got put in the kennel for a long time.  She is looking for a puppy trainer for me and her.  She said that making the Big Guy take me to training is useless cause I already listen to him.  Each time I bite him, he does this thing with his hand where his finger are like teeth.  I don't attach him cause he does this bite thing on me.  You don't mess with the Big Guy for no reason.  I nip even a little bit and he does this bite thing at me.  Or WORST, he holds my mussel shut.  I don't like that at all.  But that's what my doggie mummy would do when I was bad.  She would hold my mussel in her mouth.  So if you know a puppy trainer that is willing to be hired to work on a Sunday, please reach out to her.

Tonya was saying that Wanda at work, she had problems with her doggie.  He wouldn't listen to her.  But he would listen to his master.  Well every time he would go after her, his master would correct him.  Eventually he understood, if I attach her, the master attacks him.  No attack = no attack from the master.  I think they must have talked with that master, cause last night, I went to jump on Tonya and the Big Guy freaked out on me.  Did that hand thing to me.

For those of you that are older and can remember Atlantic Grand Prix Wrestling, there was this guy, Killer Karl Kruup.  He would do, THE CLAW!  I think that's where the Big Guy gets this from.  For you younger folks, or people from away, here is a Wikipedia link. Click ==> HERE <==

So the Big Guy has plans today.  He is going to make his Meaty Spaghetti Sauce.  He was thinking of creating his own Cooking Blog.  But he needs to know, how many people would be interested before he would start doing something like that.

So that means they are going to have spaghetti for supper tonight.  I wonder if he is going to make home made garlic bread?  It smells sooooo good.  But I can't have any.  I get to have my puppy chow.  

The Big Guy knows that you can freeze this spaghetti sauce.  You can also use it in lasagna.  Oh wait, did I just give him an idea for tomorrows supper?  He said never to trust a skinny cook.  He must be right.  He isn't skinny and a lot of people tell him that he is a great cook.

So yesterday I got to dine outside.  It was too hot in the house.  Tonya brought my food dish to the front deck for me to eat there.  But then it started to rain.  We went to the back deck and while the humans sat under the gazebo, I laid on the deck, in the rain.  Doesn't the world smell great when it starts to rain?  I just laid on the deck, getting wet, taking it all in.  Life is wonderful.

Bye bye for now

Friday, 29 July 2016

29/Jul/16 playing with the big empty jug

29/Jul/16 playing with the big empty jug

Can you see that I am getting taller?

Got my fruit icy treat between my paws

They dumped my huge drinking bowl  Now the deck is cool.

Good morning Cape Breton,

Maximus Handsomius reporting in from my Forever Home.

Some of you that are on Facebook got to see my new video that was posted last night on Facebook.  The Big Guy couldn't wait to share.

Afterwards they took me off the deck and let me run around in the back yard with the empty treat jug.  I didn't really want to play with the treat jug, I was FREE and wanted to run around the yard.

I got to see a few people at work yesterday.  They were all commenting on my huge feet.  They could have said how soft my fur is, or that my collar jingles when I walk.  I got my SPCA tag and my QR Code tag.  But it's always with the big feet.

I sat down and they were commenting on my Red Rocket.  I have a rocket somewhere?

I got news from the Big Guy.  I heard that my Memere Cormier is back in Moncton.  She went to visit my non-furry brother Marc and his family for 2 weeks.  She had a lot of fun.  They have a hot tub and a heated pool in their yard.  The Big Guy would like that.  They also got to go a the 1000 Islands cruise.  Then they went for a few days to Washington DC.  She even has pictures of being with the statue of Abraham Lincoln.

She is home again.  She traveled by train.  It was over a full day on the train.  Canada is really big.  To fly across the Atlantic Ocean, takes about 5 hours.  The Big Guy has done it a few times.  But to fly across Canada, takes over 8 to 9 hours.  When Pepere and Memere Cormier were posted from Halifax to Aldergrove (just outside Vancouver), they took almost 10 to 11 days to travel across the country.  I know that there are people that travel from Cape Breton to Fort McMurray in a lot less time, but the Canadian Forces doesn't make you travel more than 5 to 6 hours a day when you are on the road.

Well the Big Guy can remember being posted from CFB Sheartwater to CFB Winnipeg.  They gave him 5 over night stays in hotels to get there.  So that was 6 days on the road.  Winnipeg is the geographic center of the North American continent.  OK, not exactly the center, but a few miles East, and there is a sign, you are at the 1/2 way point across the continent.  The Big Guy has a video if you really need to see it.  But that video has NOTHING to do with me.

So here is the video of me playing with the empty jug.  The Big Guy keeps reminding me to tell you something.  He is asking, if you see an advertisement, could you click on it?  He thinks it is making him money.  He still can't seem to prove it or not.  Thanks for clicking.  I am sure it makes him happy.

Bye bye for now.

Thursday, 28 July 2016

28/Jul/16 new type of icy treat

28/Jul/16 new type of icy treat

This was a "tester" size to see if he would like it

Well HELLO!  Where have you been all my life?

Good morning Cape Breton,

Maximus Handsomius reporting in from my Forever Home.

In the last picture, I was ignoring the Big Guy as I was just loving the new treat.  Shaun MacKinnon, you are getting two big high paws from me.  You told the Big Guy and Tonya put this together for me.  Well, I can tell you, it's a hit.

You can see my new video as I am chasing the icy treat across the deck.  If you see an advertisement in the video, can you click it?  The Big Guy is testing something.  He thinks he makes money off the clicks.  So each time you click, he makes like $0.14.  But he needs people to click so that he can find out for sure.

But this was stuff that happened at the end of the day.  I had a full day yesterday.  Tonya needed to get the oil tank filled up.  So she walked me to Cogan's Fuels.  That's a solid two blocks away.  The guy that works there, actually came around the corner to play with me.

When we were done there, we went to Brewer's Convenience.  That was 4 blocks away.  I think Tonya said that it was her cousin Verna that was working.  She came around the corner to greet me.  While she had my attention, Tonya walked away to go see the Bereavement Cards. OMG!   I LOST SIGHT OF HER!  Well, I put 'er into 4 paw drive and drug Verna along the floor to find Tonya.  She was actually being drug along the floor on her bum as I was trying to find Tonya.  She didn't know the power I got in my legs.  But I am a draft dog and I am bred to pull carts.  Heavy farm carts at that.  The most weight one of my Bernese cousins has pulled was 2000 pounds.

So once we were done with the card, it was all uphill to get home.  So it was 6 blocks to get home.  Now when I say it was uphill.  I am not talking about Mount Logan uphill.  By the way, that's Canada's tallest mountain, but it was uphill none the less.  When we got about a block away from home, I put 'er back in gear and pulled Tonya home.  I recognized where I was at and I wanted to get home.

We seen a few doggies along the way.  There was a BIG dog along Caladonia, but he was scared of me.  Can you imagine that?  He barked and barked and barked.  But when I would move towards him, he was backing off, like he was scared of me.  Maybe he thought I was Peppe Le Pew?  I do have black with white stripe on my face.

I heard that a lot of people want to comment, but that they don't have a Google + account.  Feel free to comment on the video or the Facebook post.  The Google + account is free, but I know, it can be a pain to set up.  But if ever you needed help with that, I am sure that the Big Guy would help you.

Bye bye for now.

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

27/Jul/16 learnt a new trick

27/Jul/16 learnt a new trick

The Big Guy watched me get up on my own

I think I will give her a hug

Good morning Cape Breton,

Maximus Handsomius reporting in from my Forever Home

So I can get up on the furniture.  By myself!  Pretty neat trick eh?  After I gave Tonya a hug, I couldn't help myself.  I had to BITE her ear, her hair, her neck, her back.  The Big Guy didn't seem too impressed with my new trick.

He decided to do a trick of his own.  He got me a beef shin bone a few weeks ago.  I love it.  But he took it into the kitchen and went into the fridge.  He got out the jar of Cheese Whiz and put some into the ends of the bone.  WELL!  This had my attention for almost an hour.

Yesterday the Big Guy was upset.  He thought he seen a mouse.  Turns out, it was just a clump of my fur that was rolling along the floor.  It was being blown by the ceiling fan.  Then he laughed for being so dumb.

Tonya got me this rubber chicken.  It's loud when I chew on it.  This makes the Big Guy turn up the TV. volume. Then I get to chew more.  I am pretty sure that he wants to choke my chicken.  Not sure if I am happy about that.  I have lots of toys.

I got after his sneakers yesterday.  He sprayed the outside.  But guess what he didn't spray with that bitter stuff.  The inside.  So I was chewing on the insoles.  Just happy as I could be.

Due to the rain that we were having, I got wet.  Like hello, it's raining out, of course I am going to get wet.  But the Big Guy sprayed me with this smelly stuff that makes me smell like Blueberry Cheesecake.  I wasn't to motivated to be sprayed.  I jumped around and barked a lot.  He had to hold me by my collar while he was spraying me.

I also got weepy eyes.  Tonya has been putting these drops in my eyes.  They are feeling so MUCH better.

Hey, did you see?  The big guy changed the videos.  They are located to the right side of my blog.  The videos are about the Bernese Mountain Dog song.  It's isn't the German Slap Dance or anything like that, but it does make you tap your toes.  He also inserted a "Tip of the Day" at the bottom".  So far, there has been really good stuff going on there.

I also got my first comment on my blog yesterday.  But you have to get a Google + account before you can make any comments.

Bye bye for now

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

26/Jul/16 my apple a day

26/Jul/16 my apple a day

Good morning Cape Breton,

Maximus Handsomius reporting in from my Forever Home.

In these pictures, I am being hand fed my Cortland Apple.  It doesn't slice itself you know.

The Big Guy was looking at the weather network and he thinks that our hot weather is about done.  The warm weather is going to be gone for 2016.  That's not to say that we will not have warm days, just not the hot days we had these last few days.  It doesn't get blistering hot like it does in the Prairies  I know how they think it's cute when we say that it's +30 and we are melting here.

Melissa and Linda (my non-furry sisters) live in the Prairies.  They can tell you about hot.  They can also tell you about cold too.  But they will say something like it's a dry cold.  Which is true.  Living in the Maritimes, we have the humidity like it's no one's business..

The Big Guy was telling me that Krystal Cashin it back at work.  She left for a bit to go work for another company.  But she is back again.  He is really happy about that.  Actually it just isn't him, it's everyone at work that is glad she is back.  Jason Hatcher showed her a picture of me and she said that I have really big paws.  Is that the ONLY thing you noticed about me?  How about how cute I am, or that I have a wonderful personality?

My puppy fur it starting to fall out.  The Big Guy and Tonya were taking turns brushing me on the deck.  They got lots of fur off me.  So far, I am not too keen about getting brushed.  But after they were done, I was extra soft.

Yesterday Tonya wanted to get rid of this bread that they have been eating.  The other day, she bought these specialty breads.  There was flax and quinoa.  Then there was sunflower seed bread.  But both her and the Big Guy don't need the extra roughage.  They can go potty without the extra help.  So she was ripping up the bread and throwing it out to the birds.  Well I wanted the bread.  In the end, they didn't even eat the bread.  It was too late in the day for them to be feeding.  They wanted to go to sleep.  So if they don't eat their bread soon, it's going to rain and then there will be a soggy mess left over.

The Big Guy is asking that you put in your email below to subscribe to my blog.  Yesterday he forgot to post my blog to Facebook.  People had to wait an extra 30 minutes before they seen my blog.  This way, they should get my blog the instant he posts it for everyone to see.

Bye bye for now.

Monday, 25 July 2016

25/Jul/16 sitting in the rain

25/Jul/16 sitting in the rain

Good morning Cape Breton,

Maximus Handsomius reporting in from my Forever Home.

So wasn't it warm yesterday?  Here I am as I am just laying on the deck in the rain.  Tonya kept on calling me, but I wanted to stay in the rain.

Hoping the Big Guy doesn't rock on my tail

Bryson dropped a treat back here

Biggest water dish EVER!

The rain is cool on my paws

OK, I will go over there...  for now...

The deck is cooled off

The Big Guy noticed that before the rain, it was +35 on the deck.  Then during the rain, it dropped to +25.  But it was still muggy out.

Before that, I got a visit with Elisha and Bryson.  She is Tonya's Niece and her son.  Her Big Guy was at home sleeping as he works the back shift.

Eye spy with my little eye

My Icy Treat!

Belly rubs are the best

Although Bryson is 18 months old, he weighs about 25 pounds.  I am 16 weeks old and I weigh about 40 pounds now.  Bryson was dropping some of his treats on the deck and I was eating them up.

This is the video from when I was on the Bluenose II.  Well, actually I wasn't allowed on deck.  I have nails and I could possibly scratch the varnish that they got on deck.  Wouldn't that be maddening for them.  After doing on that work.

Last night, it was the fireworks for Bartown days.  I didn't get to see it as the Big Guy goes to bed early.  Oh well, some other day.

So the Big Guy found out a valuable lesson.  Don't brag about doing a crappy job of mowing the lawn on someone's blog.  There is someone else that reads my blog and got you to go trim the hedge and do the whipper snippering.

He also got to take out his lawn tractor to mow the hedge clippings.  When he trims the hedge, the moves the stuff on to the lawn.  Then uses the lawn mower to pulverize the trimmings.

I got to hear the thunder yesterday.  But I didn't see any lightening.  There was storms all around us, but only the rain fell in North Sydney.

Bye bye for now

Sunday, 24 July 2016

24/Jul/16 getting my strawberries

24/Jul/16 getting my strawberries

Good morning Cape Breton,

Maximus Handsomius reporting in from my Forever Home.

In these pictures, you can see that I am enjoying my strawberries.  They are being fed to me by hand.  I have such refined taste.

If you click on the pictures (above) in my blog, it will expand so that you can get a better view.

The Big Guy took me to Country Co-op to get a new bag of dog food.  It is called Royal Canin Giant Puppy food.  This company is in Guelph Ontario.  It's nice to get Canadian Food.  The Big Guy was wondering, why can't he purchase Canadian Gasoline for his car?  Apparently we send all our gasoline to the United States.  Why don't we use our own gasoline and sell them the excess.  Wouldn't that make our gasoline prices go down?  Well he doesn't work for "Big Oil", so I guess we will never know.  Anyways, to see the web site of the food I get to eat.  Click "here" to see the website.

But while the Big Guy was at the store, of course he has to manipulate a 30 pound bag of food.  A very nice lady there, took my leash and was patting me while he paid for my food.  Then she took me out to the car.  That was really nice of her.

The Big Guy sprayed the kitchen mat with that don't chew product again.  It makes it taste like lemons.  Not good lemons either.  I will still mouth it, but then go to my water dish to get the taste out of my mouth.

When he got home, he walked me around the block.  Kinda boring walk too.  He didn't waste no time.  Just voom, around the block and in the house.  Well, I guess I should clarify.  He doesn't really "voom".  His arthritis doesn't let him voom any longer.  But it was a no nonsense walk.  He was always mumbling, "come" and tugging on my leash.  After he was home, he got out the lawn mower and took care of the grass.  Now the grass is nice and short.  But he didn't have it in him to go whipper snippering  and clean up the parts that need to be done around the perimeter and such.  More or less a "I've cut the grass and I am done" kinda job.

Talking of whipper snippering.  The Big Guy needs to know, is there anyone out there with a guitar that has a broken string?   Specifically an E. A. or D string.  He heard, and now your likely going to want to do this yourself, that if you hook up a guitar string on your whipper snipper, you will never have to purchase another replacement spool.  One guy he heard of, has been using the same guitar string for 4 years now.  But to watch out, it is dangerous and will damage stuff.  After all, it is spinning really fast.

Yesterday afternoon, I went to pick up Tonya from work.  I seen a new guy. Eric Davis.  He was really nice.  The Big Guy put the window all the way down on the car and then Erin came out of work.  I was so excited to see her, I jumped right out the window.  If it wouldn't have been for Eric, I would have landed right on my head.  As it was, he caught me part way down.  The Big Guy knows to keep the windows up on the car now.

After they got home, they took off and left me alone.  I guess they went to a movie called "Star Trek Beyond".  The Big Guy really enjoyed the movie.  I hear that Tonya liked it too.  But when they got home it was raining.  There was lightening, but I didn't hear any thunder.  The Big Guy would like there to be several lightening storms.  It creates nitrogen (not sure which old wives tale he's been reading) which makes the grass grow.  But I was sleeping upstairs when they got home.  They brought home buttered popcorn, but do you think they would give me any?  No.  I can smell that stuff you know.

Bye bye for now

Saturday, 23 July 2016

23/Jul/16 icy treat

23/Jul/16 icy treat

Good morning Cape Breton,

Maximus Handsomius reporting in from my Forever Home.

Going to give a big bark out to my non-furry cousin.  It was Allan Cormier's Birthday yesterday.  He got a lot of Birthday wishes on Facebook.

As you can see by my photos, I got a new icy treat.  Instead of using the bundt pan, they used the small loaf pan that my Memere, Gloria Cormier, had bought for the Big Guy.  Tonya put some fruit in the tray and then water.  Then froze it.  It was so yummy.  Like a freeze pop they give to small humans, only mine is so much better.

Talking of small humans.  I got a visit from Darlene Ashford's granddaughter.  I think her name is Ashley.  She is going in Grade 7 this year.  She thinks that she wants to be a policewoman for the CBRM.  She heard that you have to be tasered in order to be a police but doesn't think she would like that at all.  The Big Guy's first girlfriend, she was a Military Police with the Canadian Forces.  I don't know if she was tasered.  But I can't see that being a lot of fun.

A new treat that Shaun MacKinnon was talking about.  Same pan I mentioned earlier, only this time, put a block of cheese, or you could say a strip off a block of cheese.  Then put chicken stock and freeze it.  So now, it just isn't water, but  frozen chicken stock with a cheese surprise in the middle.  Give me a paw there Shaun.

When I first moved to my forever home, I could fit my head between the rails on the deck.  My head is too big for that now.  Although when we walk down Blowers St towards Station St, there is a husky that is on the front deck of his house.  He can fit his head between the rails.  I hope he doesn't fit his body though cause it's over a 6 foot drop to the ground.  I am pretty sure he would get hurt if he went through the rails.

The Big Guy wants to go see the new Star Trek movie today.  We don't have IMax, but I am sure if they did, he would want to go see it in that format.  But he will go see it in the Real 3D version that they have here.  Then... next weekend, he wants to go see the new Jason Borne movie.  I hope he saved enough of his allowance.  Going to the movies is expensive.

The Big Guy wants to figure out how to upload movies to my blog.  I am sure he will figure it out.  When he does, please say something nice to him.  He likes to think that he is so smart.

Did you see what the Big Guy added to my blog?  At the bottom, there is other stuff that you can click on.  Including a translator.  Now my blog can go to other countries and it can be translated.  I am not sure that the words will read the same, as I am sure it will not get everything just right.  But close enough that someone would understand what is going on.  Yup, your pretty smart there Big Guy.  Here, let me let you scratch me behind the ear to show my appreciation.

Bye bye fow now.

Friday, 22 July 2016

22/Jul/16 Uphill both ways

22/Jul/16 Uphill both ways

Good morning Cape Breton,

Maximus Handsomius reporting in from my Forever Home.

We went for a walk around the school yesterday.  It was a new direction to go in.  There is some uphill parts that are not too bad.  At least for me they are not too bad.  The Big Guy can remember when he was younger, living in Dartmouth, how he had to walk uphill to Dartmouth High School and then uphill to come home.  So yes, it was uphill both ways.

As we were coming home, there was an older guy that was sitting on his porch.  He asked us where did we get the leash to walk the bear.  I am pretty sure he was joking, 'cause I'm not a bear.

If the Big Guy were to play Pokemongo, not sure how well he would do.  It isn't like he doesn't walk, just that he doesn't walk as far as he used to.  But it seems to be a game that is getting people outside again.  But of course there is always the extremes that are making the news.  The game gives warnings that you should be paying attention to your surroundings when you are playing.  They were taking about how much data the game takes and how many cell phone carriers are going to be writing off cell phone bills because the kids have used up so much data to play the game.  You know there are always going to be a few that ruin it for the larger majority.

I heard a cheat that they got for their cell phones.  You have to walk so that it will hatch an egg. You have to walk 2 KM to hatch a certain egg, or 5 KM to hatch a different one.  People have been attaching their phone to the ceiling fan and then the phone goes round and round, simulating that it's walking.  I heard from the Big Guy that someone at work attached their phone to their ceiling fan and turned it on high.  Well it was too much for the cell phone and it flew off the fan and hit the floor.

I got to meet someone new yesterday.  Patricia Brown.  She was outside with Jocelyn MacLean.  Then again, I never met Jocelyn either.

Tonya made me a new frozen treat.  Instead of making the Bundt Pan with the frozen berries, she made smaller loafs.  They are just my size.  I had one last night after our walk.  I was able to eat the entire treat.  It was so good.

Bye bye for now

Thursday, 21 July 2016

21/Jul/16 Bluenose II

21/Jul/16 Bluenose II

Good morning Cape Breton,
Maximus Handsomius reporting in from my Forever Home.
So as you can see from the pictures that the Big Guy took from Tonya Lynn Clarke, I got to see the Bluenose II. Canada's Schooner. This ship is also on the Canadian Dime ($0.10). Our money has lots of stuff on it.
The Penny, which is gone, had a Maple Leaf
The Nickle, has a Beaver
The Dine, has the Bluenose II
The Quarter, has a Moose
The $1.00, or Loonie, has a Loon
The $2.00, or Toonie, has a Polar Bear
There is a fifty cent piece, but it isn't in circulation. Just like other denominations. My non-furry step brother Marc Cormier, could tell you more as he collects coins.
Anyways... back to me.... I got to see this ship. But a lot of people were more interested in ME! Imagine that? I would get excited and try to jump, but the Big Guy had me on my short leash. Some people thought I am a St. Bernard. But they have a lot more white on them than I do. Everyone kept telling me, what large feet I have.
Getting a complex about my big paws. I need to grow up fast so that I have a big body to go with those big paws.
The Big Guy was making fun of one of the deck crew. She was stuck on the ship and wasn't able to come pat me. But as the Canadian Ambassadors that are showing off the ship, they all have important jobs to do.
But it just wasn't the crew that I got to meet. It was EVERYONE else walking around the jetty! The people were going to see the ship, but they all patted me. Some of the women gave me hugs and kisses. So I tried to sit and be a good doggie. But sometimes I would get all wound up and would jump up. Good thing my nails are cut.
I got to see Elaine yesterday. That's Tonya's sister. She had a knee operated on. But I was excited and was running around being silly. She didn't really enjoy her visit as she was worried about her knee.
The Big Guy will be posting my blog soon. It's still a work in progress.
Bye bye for now