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Wednesday, 31 May 2017

31/May/17 43% voted in last night's election

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

There are a few people that are upset today.  The party that they voted for, didn't win.  I think the Big Guy is a wee bit upset. 

Not at the election results.  That is over and done with for him.

He said that he served his country so that people in Canada would continue to be free.  A lot of people take the right to vote for granted and didn't vote.  The Big Guy served for them too.  

He just thinks that if he could fight for their rights, couldn't they take a few minutes to go vote?

Enough about politics.  As long as I got my kibble and some clean water in my dish, I am happy.

We got to go for a medium walk yesterday.  The Big Guy said that his knee wasn't as sore as he would have thought from the previous day.  But he didn't want to push it too hard either.

I am not pulling quite a much on my walks.  The Big Guy will often pull up on my leash and this lifts my front legs off the ground and points me in a new direction.  This new harness that they got me, if I pull too hard, it really tightens up on me.  But if I walk calmly, then the leash isn't tight.

Sometimes I forget and pull the Big Guy off balance.  That earns me a special tug on my leash.

Bye bye for now.

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