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Thursday, 4 May 2017

4/May.17 may the 4th be with you

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Did you know that the Big Guy has to wait a full year to be able to say that?  May the 4th be with you.  Do you get it?  If you like Star Wars, you will get it.  Otherwise, probably not so much.

The Big Guy isn't feeling so well.  He has a "man cold".  I understand that women just don't understand what that is.

Women will often say that when a man gets a cold, he turns into a big baby.

The Big Guy is big, but certainly no baby.  

When I was looking at the Big Guy this morning, he seems to be a lot better today.

Tonya tried to walk me yesterday.  That only lasted a few houses away from where I live.  Then she took me back home again. I am just too strong of a puller when she is walking me.  When the Big Guy walks me, I can't run as much.  Tonya dropped my leash a few times as I darted away from her.  She said that this is dangerous and took me back home again.

The Big Guy told me that my non-furry sister, Linda and her husband Jerry got home safe to Winnipeg.  Tuesday, after they left, I searched the house for them a couple times.  I don't know where Winnipeg is, but I hope I can seem them again some day.

The Big Guy finally got my video put together.  So here are my April photos.

Bye bye for now.

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