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Saturday, 6 May 2017

6/May/17 I am not sleeping NOW

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So last week, I was doing this thing where I would rest my head on the floor and as I was breathing, I was also puffing out my cheeks. The Big Guy thought this was SO funny.  He is weird at times.

I got to go for a walk and I think I seen yet another dog named Max.  He belongs to Rob and Deb.  Rob helped the Big Guy put in the dishwasher.  But he was barking a lot.  So I was only allowed to walk on the other side of the street.  I would have liked to play with him.  Perhaps after the fence gets put in the back yard, they will bring him over for a play date.

The mother is back across the street.  The "Fast and Furious" crew isn't anywhere to be found.

The Big Guy continues to put up videos of going on The Cabot Trail.  He better put up some nice videos, otherwise, people are going to think that it is always in the fog.

Tonya said that she doesn't want to sleep in past 8:30 today.  The Big Guy is wondering, what is so special about that time of day.

Well the Big Guy is pestering to use the computer so that he can upload more videos.

Bye bye for now.

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