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Saturday, 27 May 2017

27/May/17 I have a big mouth

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So the other day, while we were out for our walk, there was three boys that were playing on their scooters.  One of them asked his friends if they seen the size of my mouth?  Before they could reply, he said that I would be able to eat a football.

So I have big paws, now I have a big mouth.  Then when Margaret Anne seen me, she said that I have a huge head.  Other people have asked if I am a St. Bernard dog.

Most of the ladies will say how BEAUTIFUL I am.  Sorry, not beautiful.  I am HANDSOME!  Why can't they get that right?

It will soon be time for the Big Guy to create another video collage.  Only a few more days left in this month.

Last night, they had steak and salad.  Tonya was good enough to cut the fat off her steak and put it in my bowl.  Can you guess what happened to the fat that was on the Big Guy's steak?  He ate it.  He said that he didn't get enough fat in his diet yesterday.

I wonder what he is going to make today?  Probably something that he will not share and I will have to bug Tonya to give up some of hers.  The Big Guy says I should only get kibble and some fruits.  He isn't a lot of fun when it comes to sharing his food.

Bye bye for now.

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