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Monday, 15 May 2017

15/May/17 this is MY chair

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

If ever you come for a visit and you sit in my chair, get ready to share it with me.  The Big Guy tried to get me NOT to get up on the furniture.  That only lasted so long.  As you can see, he got soft in his older years.

On yesterday's walk, I got to see my non-furry brother-in-law, Terry.  He was going to the store for "smokes".  They can't be good for you.  Also, they are kind of expensive.  But he does what he does.

Then, I got to meet a new Swiss Miss.  She was very pretty.  She is party Great Pyrenees and part Bernese Mountain Dog.  Her owner took her out for a walk.  

Our leashes got tangled.  

She sniffed me and I sniffed her.  

We didn't bark. We just knew.  

But it was only a fleeing moment.  

We were pulled apart and had to go our separate ways.  

Just two ships in the night, passing by each other.

I hope that I can see her again.  If only for a little while.

I am going to go lay down now and have some quiet time by myself.  Sigh...  my little Swiss Miss, how I miss you...

Bye bye for now.

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