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Wednesday, 17 May 2017

17/May/17 Is that another dog that I smell?

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I know when Tonya goes and visits her sister.  I can smell the other dogs and cats off her.

We extended our longest walk yesterday.  We added two blocks to the journey.  So far, just quite a mile distance.  Although Google Maps says 18 minutes.  I think we were gone about 30 minutes.

We got to meet someone that is afraid of dogs.  She was in her car, but she said that I look beautiful.  Ahhh...  hello...  HANDSOME is the word your looking for, not beautiful.

We went walked by Rob's house, his dog Max was in the front yard and he barked and barked and barked at me.  Rob says that he isn't friendly.  Then again, when I am on my own property, I bark a lot at other dogs as they walk by.

The Big Guy noticed that his forearms are loosing weight.  Geesh, ya big lug, you may wish to look in the mirror, your loosing inches all over the place.  I know he is worried about loose skin.  But I think I would love him all the more if he had loose skin and was able to stay alive because of the weight he is loosing.

Bye bye for now.

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