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Sunday, 7 May 2017

5/May/17 I got free doggie treats

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So yesterday the Big Guy and Tonya went on some sort of "movie night" where they left me in my kennel so that they could enjoy themselves.  They said it's because I can't be trusted outside my kennel.  It's true.  I can't be trusted.  I get bored and get into too much stuff.

Then they came home with these weird glasses.  They said they were 3D glasses.  They would put them on and then laugh and laugh.  Humans are dumb.  Yesterday morning, they watched "Guardians of the Galaxy" while eating their breakfast.  Then they went to see "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2" in the theatre last night.  Did you see their picture?  This is what those two fools looked like...

I got a new treat yesterday.  They are called Marrow Bones.  They are #1 in my books.  Yummy yummy!  The Big Guy got me this HUGE barrel of treats.  Turns out, I don't like them very much.  They are OK and I will eat them.  I eat them cause they gave them too me, not because I like them.  So if you want a small barrel of doggie treats, let Tonya know.

The Big Guy has a dog bone shaped cookie cutter.  I wonder why he doesn't make me some treats?  I guess I haven't been good enough to get home make treats from him just yet.

Last night, Tonya made them this pizza on Fathead Pizza dough.  It is mostly cheese.  Do you think they would share?  Well I bugged and bugged and bugged.  Finally Tonya gave me some of the crust.  Oh, so much cheese.

It has been raining a lot here.  Not so much rain that they are getting flooded.  But just enough rain to make out door projects stop.  It is supposed to rain all week long.  I don't mind the rain too much.  Not like some doggies.  They HATE the rain.

Some dogs get this "wet dog" smell when their fur gets wet.  Mine doesn't smell at all.  There is a lot of people that don't believe that.  But you can ask people that has smelled me when I am wet.  I don't get that smell about me.  So perhaps they will walk me in the rain...

Bye bye for now.

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