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Thursday, 25 May 2017

25/May/17 playing hide-n-seek

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Did you see me in the picture?  I am hiding.

Tonya got the Big Guy to walk me yesterday morning before he went to work.  That was certainly different.  There was dew on the grass and my paws were soaking wet when I got home.  There was hardly any other dogs outside.  So I didn't get barked at as much as I normally do when we walk in the evenings.

The leaves are finally staring to come out on the trees.  I would say that summer has just about officially arrived in Cape Breton.  Now if only the weather would warm up.

Last weekend, the Big Guy replaced the shower faucet stuff and he got an email from the company and they are going to be sending him free replacement parts.  So he will have to bring them back to the company that gave them to him for free.  That was REALLY nice of them to give him the free parts and then he only had to bring the free parts back to them.

The Big Guy did his first batch of Oopsie Bread.  Him and his recipes.  Of course he will NOT share.  He said something about making a bacon, tomatoe and lettuce sandwich.  I never had one of those.  He put some steak spices on the bacon for some extra zing.  Again, not that he is going to give me any...  Here is what it looks like.

Looks like a big cookie.

Bye bye for now.

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