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Wednesday, 3 May 2017

3/May/17 it rains a lot here

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

It's another foggy morning.  But the Big Guy will tell you, you don't have to shovel the rain.  It falls and waters the grass.  Soon enough, he will be outside mowing the lawn.

But I think that he has to go clean up the yard first.  There is some stuff that has blown into the yard that is trash.  When he cleans up the yard, it will look presentable once again.

That is until the fence gets put in and I start digging holes all over the back yard.

The Big Guy is also going to have to fix the lattice that I managed to eat off the deck.  Talk about a convenient hiddie hole if he wouldn't fix it...  it would be like a hidden dog house.

We went for a little walk yesterday and I jerked the leash when the Big Guy wasn't expecting it.  His knee was pretty sore afterwards.

We also walked past where the other Bernese Mountain Dog lived.  I say "lived" cause he moved to Sydney Mines.  But his owners seen me yesterday and they all wanted to greet me.  There was about 6 ladies and I got pats and belly rubs.  It was so nice.  Their dog is also named Max.  They wanted to know, how do they keep my chest hair so white.  Blue Dove dish soap.  That stuff is great.  

I don't get washed that often.  Doggies don't have a shower as much as humans do.  They stink a lot after one day.  Phew, glad I don't have to worry about that.

The Big Guy is slacking and needs to get my April picture collection in place.  I am sure he will have that done soon.

Bye bye for now

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