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Tuesday, 30 May 2017

30/May/17 last day to vote in the Nova Scotia election

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

We were outside for a bit.  It isn't as warm out as all that.  For the end of May, it should be starting to get really warm and the temp should be in the high teens every day.  Yesterday the Big Guy wasn't having a time of his life as he was cold sitting out.  

They got to watch a little bird having some lunch.  He chirped a few times.  It was nice.

Then I found the rose bush cage

I ripped that right out of the ground

Tonya was teasing me with it

She used it like a Lion Tamer would

I chewed on it

I bent the little legs

I barked at it

Eventually, I flipped it in the air, and it went too far away for me to play with it any longer.

I went to the Vet yesterday.  I weigh 102 pounds.  So I have lost 3 pounds.  But this would be from all the walks that I go on.  The Vet was really happy about that.

Then they had to trim my dew claws.  A really nice young lady too my leash and walked ever so nice for her.  They brought me into the back room and there was another 3 of them waiting for me.

This is when they found out that I am not a vicious dog, but I am a determined dog.  They needed to trim my back dew claws, well they were not going to have an easy time about it.  One controlled my head, another tried to keep me on the ground.  Another held my leg while the 4th one did the trimming.  Eventually the job was done.  I was none too happy about it.

The Vet said the hardest part about trimming my dew claws, was trying to get me to the ground.  Once I was on the ground, I was OK.  I will tell you this, I wasn't happy, I just new, 4 against one isn't a fair fight.

So after we were done with the Vet, we came home, Tonya and the Big Guy took me for a walk to "shake it out".  

So all in all, it was a busy day yesterday.  I was some glad when I got home and I was able to play for a bit.  Tonya gave me a frozen treat too.

Bye bye for now.

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