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Wednesday, 24 May 2017

24/May/17 turn and face right

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

You would think that the Big Guy gets tired of taking pictures of me each day.  Some mornings I just want to SLEEP!

Last night, we didn't get to go for a walk.  It was a combination of the Big Guy having to work late, him still recovering from his sore knee and the fact that it was raining outside.  Really, who wants to walk in the rain?

I was really quite bad yesterday.  Since the Big Guy was working from home, the fact that he got a phone call from work and the flyer lady wanting to deliver the flyers at the same time, didn't matter too much to me.  I needed to bark at her.  Boy oh boy did I bark.  LOUD barks as well.  Not little barks.  Tonya was trying to quiet me down, but I would have NONE of that.

My non-furry Memere has some knee problems as of late.  She was dancing a wee too much and now she has a sore knee just like the Big Guy.  She has been going to physio and she says that it isn't helping as much as she would like.

So last week, Tonya took a coughing jag and she burst a blood vessel in her left eye.  if only she could have done that to the right eye and then on both side of her iris.  That would have been cool.  She would have looked like a vampire.  Bla...  bla...  I vant to suck your blood...  ha ha ha ha

But she went to the people veterinarian and got a prescription to get eye drops.  While she was there, she bought herself a small bag of chips.  WOW, so many carbs.  She also got the Big Guy a small bag of hickory sticks.  He put them next to the TV that is above his computer.  He says that he doesn't have any cravings.

I guess we will see how long that will last.

Bye bye for now.

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