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Monday, 31 December 2018

31/Dec/18 this is it, the last day of 2018

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Since I'm not human, I don't get the subtleties of this thing they call a calendar.

The year 2018 is coming to an end.  The year 2019 begins tonight at midnight.  This is when they will throw out their old calendars and put up new calendars.

The Big Guy said that if the new calendar is put up early, it's bad luck.  Really?  Hanging a piece of paper with information on it is considered bad luck?  Humans are weird.

I don't believe in luck.  It either is, or is not.  There is no luck involved.  I may be lucky to get something.  Like a steak cooked for ME!  Now that is lucky.

The Big Guy was telling me that he went to get a coffee at work, the other day.  There was a guy sitting in the lunch room, having his own lunch.  The guy looked at him and asked him if he dyed his hair.  The Big Guy sorta chuckled and told him, no.  The guy looked at the Big Guy once again and said, he believes that it's because the Big Guy has let his hair grow out for the last month and that's why it looks like it has been dyed.  The Big Guy agreed.  He said that normally he keeps it "high and tight".  No one is going to be pulling his hair any day soon.

The Big Guy can hear the notifications going off on Tonya's phone.  It must be from the two outdoor cameras.  There must be some sort of animal that is going around the yard.  Since the cameras have motion detection software in them, they are constantly taking videos and pictures of the movement that they can "see".

I wonder if I don't say anything about the snow in the forecast, will it go away?  Then again, 20 cm of snow isn't just something that you can ignore.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video

Max our Bernese Mountain Dog got snow on his fur

Bye bye fur now

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