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Wednesday, 26 December 2018

26/Dec/18 my present is keeping chairs warm

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

The Big Guy was messing around with Tonya's camera on her new cell phone and the pictures are much wider than the "regular" format.

Yesterday Tonya asked the Big Guy if he could make his Christmas potpourri.  So of course he did.  It smells so nice.  It's cranberries, cinnamon sticks, cloves and all spice.  Then you boil it and it smells wonderful.

Elaine, Tonya's sister wanted to have some cranberries with her turkey yesterday.  Without asking where the cranberries were, she helped herself to the potpourri.  It was a good thing that her son stopped her from having it with her supper.  Although it may have tasted OK.

Normally when the Big Guy is done with it, he just throws it into the green bin.  So the green bin smells like Christmas for a bit.

Talking of green bin, you should have seen the things he was putting into it.  He cooked a ham and he was taking the meat off the bone.  Well, instead of giving me the bone, he THREW it into the green bin.

Oh, and the extra fat and skin from the ham.  Guess where that went...  Right off the back door deck onto the grass.  Now, the next morning, it was gone.  Not even a scrap for me to sniff.

Then, to make matters worst, he cooked a turkey.  When he was done deboning the turkey, and boiling the bones for gravy, guess where the bones went...  right into the green bin...  I couldn't believe it.

But during supper, everyone was eating and eating, but some people had left some stuff on their plates.  Tonya gathered up all the scraps and guess who turned into a garbage disposal.  That's right.  It was me.  I was so full.  After everyone left, I went into a turkey comatose.  Boy did I sleep.

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Max our Bernese Mountain Dog at the Dog Park in December

Bye bye fur now

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