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Wednesday, 12 December 2018

12/Dec/18 I'm so happy, I could just shit

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So the Big Guy has a problem with his snow blower.  It's got a broken shear pin.  Normally this is an easy fix.  

But not this time.

The broken pin is rusted in place and he's been hammering on the broken pin with a screw driver and even a spike.  

But nothing is removing it from the snow blower.  

With the broken shear pin, his snow blower, is more of a snow pusher.

He was working on this for about an hour yesterday.  That was an hour that he could have used to be taking me for a walk.

By the time he was "done", his hands and feet were cold.  His knee was hurting him, and he was in a foul mood from the broken shear pin not being removed and replaced.

Now, he has put some oil on it as he is hoping that this will soak into any rust and make it easier to release.

He has what's call a countersink, something like a center punch, but he's afraid that it may flair the shear pin an only make it more stuck.

He could drill out the shear pin, but he doesn't want to go offset and damage the snow blower.

Oh these first world problems.  They are real.

BUT, on the plus side, there is no snow in the forecast.  So he's letting the oil penetrate the pin and seeing if that will allow the rust to release and thus making the new pin easier to go in place.

That will make him happy once again.

On the up side, the Big Guy did find a bone in the freezer.  It was from Bonar's Meat Market.  You can get 5 bones for $10.00.  So I got to chew on this bone while he worked on his snow blower.

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Max our Bernese Mountain Dog with my humans having a BBQ

Bye bye fur now

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