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Saturday, 15 December 2018

15/Dec/18 you could put that garbage can somewhere else

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So the Big Guy is still painting those Canadian Ship's crests.  He is fascinated by them.  He just hopes that other people will be fascinated as well and purchase up what he has created.

There is a guy on the West Coast.  He lives somewhere around Victoria.  He is the Big Guy's biggest competitor.

When the Big Guy's father was doing these crests, he had lots and lots of orders.  He was able to purchase items that made their life easier.  

So, at some point, the Big Guy is going to be retired.  He will need a hobby.  He is hoping that he will be able to continue making the crests.

Today, the Big Guy and Tonya need to go to Sydney.  He's going to be looking around to see if he can't find any place that may have a milk crate or two just laying around.

The Big Guy has the sniffles.  I wonder if he is getting a cold.

It would seem that Dogs and cats don't get the flu or other common colds like that.  Those seem typically human ailments.  In that respect, they can keep their cold as well.  Geesh, snot and sneezing, doesn't seem all that fun.

The Big Guy also has another job to do and that's to remove that shear pin from his snow blower.  It's been a few days now that the oil has been soaking into the pin.  He's hoping that it will be able to be loosened up and removed so that the new pin can go in place.

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