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Sunday, 30 December 2018

30/Dec/18 put your left paw in, put your left paw out

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Yesterday the Big Guy was quite happy about the snow.  The fact that it was still light and fluffy that is.  Then, later in the day, the temperature went up quite a bit.  Of course then, all the snow was melting off the roof and falling to the ground, with great big THUMP THUMP THUMP!

Each time it would release some snow, it would get my attention.

The Big Guy is cooking up some sausages for breakfast.  He really likes them.  But he wouldn't give me any.  He can be selfish like that.  He keeps saying that there is stuff in them that is bad for me.

Really?  If there is so much bad stuff in them, then why does Tonya give them to me?

Then again, I really shouldn't blame Tonya.  I just beg and beg and beg until she finally gives in.  I've been known to leave quite the wet spot on her clothes from begging so much.  I just turn on the drool factory and then she gives me what she is eating.

The Big Guy has finally thrown out the Christmas Potpourri.  So now the green bin smells really nice.  He could have thrown that out in the back yard so that the birds would have been able to get to the berries.  Oh well, it's a bit late to do that now.

Tonya was talking about taking some of the Christmas decorations down today.  They are nice and all of that, but there does come a point, where it's time to un-decorate for another season.

Oh, I wonder if they would need a break from un-decorating and then they could take me to the dog park.  I really like going there.

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Bye bye fur now

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