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Wednesday, 19 December 2018

19/Dec/18 yes, we have two Christmas trees

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So we got this smaller Christmas Tree that's in the living room.  It's right at nose height too.  But each time I get close to it, I'm told "no".

So I'm not sure if the tree has a name and they have called it "no" and are trying to introduce me to it, or if it means that I'm not to touch it.

For now, it can stay there.  It's not hurting anything.

So the Big Guy is making this chicken stew.  Oh and doesn't it smell wonderful.  

But as usual, he has put onions in it and that means that I can't have any of it.

I wonder, if any day soon, he will run out of onions and then I can start having stuff that he cooks.

Tonya will sneak me some stuff every so often.  But the Big Guy will look at her and she will look at him.  They look at each other and she will say that a little bit will not hurt me.  Then my paws get itchy as hell as that shows that I've eaten something that I'm allergic to.  That will in turn get the Big Guy to give Tonya "the look".  As he knows she has fed me something that I shouldn't have.

Yes, she knows better.  

But I will stare at her while she eats.

I will lay my mussel on her and drool on her.

She always gives in.

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Max our Bernese Mountain Dog laying on the deck, enjoying the shade

Bye bye fur now

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