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Sunday, 9 December 2018

9/Dec/18 I'm tired from walking in the snow

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Yesterday the weather people were calling for 5 cm of snow.  I'm not sure what scale they were looking it as I think we got about 5 INCHES of snow.

The Big Guy got to take out his snow blower and use it.  He went up and down the driveway a few times.  He got to blow the snow all over the place.  Then he put his snow blower away and got out the shovel.  Then he shoveled the snow.

Later on, we went for a walk.  I got to jump over all the snow banks.  By the time we got home, I was pretty tuckered out from jumping over all those snow banks.

The city didn't clean off all the sidewalks just yet.  So we had to walk on the road for a bit.  With any luck, most of the sidewalks will be done before too long.

While the Big Guy was out shoveling, he really should have taken the time to remove the laser lights.  They are not working that well and he's just getting annoyed the more and more that he looks at it.

It's only a few more weeks before Christmas.  That means only a few more months of snow.  Then it will be all gone again for another season.  When we were out for our walk yesterday, we seen the next door neighbor was out shoveling the snow.  He doesn't like the snow much either.

But if we moved to some place where there is no snow, then we would have to put up with other weather.  

So I suppose, we will stay here for now.

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Max our Bernese Mountain Dog plays with the milk crate

Bye bye fur now

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