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Tuesday, 4 December 2018

4/Dec/18 did I step in cat poo while out for my walk

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So recently Canada Post workers went on strike.  Not 100% sure what they were on strike about, but I can bet it was for more money.

Now, they seem to go on strike every year, just before Christmas.  Then they have a hard time catching up to the back log of parcels.

So the Big Guy has been painting these ship's crests.  They have to be mailed.  But he also needs supplies.  They also have to be mailed.  His supplies coming to him, have been delayed.  You can bet this is NOT making him very happy.

But because we live in Cape Breton, there is a lack of services.  Normally there would be options.  Like FedEx or Purolator.  But those companies will deliver to Cape Breton, but they don't have a drop off point where you can mail your parcels.  

A few years back, they took the time to dredge the Sydney Harbour.  They took out tons and tons of material to make the harbour deeper for these Post Panama Container ships.  So far, none of them have come to Sydney to drop off their load and get re-loaded.

Again, we got several things going against us.  Although we do have a WONDERFUL harbour, we don't have the other infrastructure.  Like trains.  Or good highways for the trucks that will move these containers inland.

The Mayor of Cape Breton Regional Municipality was supposed to make all these deals.  Oh and he's been doing them too.  But not out in the public.  Nope, he's been doing them secretly.  They sold the public access to the wharf that was in North Sydney a few years ago.  They said that this was going to make over 100 jobs for North Sydney.  So far, there is still quite a bit of unemployment in this area.

I wonder if that will change any time soon?

It's gotta...


Your Blast From the Past

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Max our Bernese Mountain Dog picnic table part 1

Bye bye fur now

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