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Monday, 3 December 2018

3/Dec/18 if I were any bigger, I really wouldn't fit

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

OK, so the last few days, the Big Guy has been posting stuff from Facebook.  Some of the stories were quite funny.

But honestly, what did any of those stories have to do with me?


The Big Guy and Tonya continues to bake and cook with onions.  That means that I can't have any of it.  They also have pork and pork goes right though me.  Not sure why.  I mean I can eat chicken and I can each beef and I can eat fish.  But pork.  Loosey goosey.

So Tonya didn't force the Big Guy to put up the garland on the front deck.  That made him happy.  They are decorated just enough on the outside of the house.

They are also decorated just enough on the inside of the house as well.

The Big Guy was quite worried about some of the decorations.  But I haven't got into any of them.  So that's good.  Right?  Several of the decoration are at floor level too.  I've sniffed them.  But I've left them a lone too.  They have even put some stuff on the coffee table.  My tail hasn't removed them just yet.  But it's still early in the Christmas Season.

For the last two weeks, the Big Guy's computer hasn't had any sound.  So he reset his computer.  This has been a bit of an annoyance for him.  So after it was reset, there still wasn't any sound.  Turns out, the sound we set to go thought wireless headset.  The computer knew that the bluetooth headset had been set up for his XBox and reset his computer.  Dumb how all these things are connected.  So he set the computer to "speakers" and it worked again.

The Big Guy is happy once again.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video

Max our Bernese Mountain Dog got snow on his fur

Bye bye fur now

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