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Saturday, 8 December 2018

8/Dec/18 your floors, they are made of wood

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So it's snowing outside and looks like it has been for several hours now.  There is quite an accumulation of it.  It's also the light and fluffy snow.  That stuff goes though the snow blower quite easily.

It's the wet and heavy snow that the Big Guy really dislikes.  The light stuff, well, like I said, it goes right through the snow blower.  Doesn't piss the Big Guy off at all.  

When they lived in Winnipeg, that's pretty much the ONLY snow they got.  But it was such a cold place to live.

I bet, later this morning, the snow is going to be sliding off the roof and you will have those "WHOMPS" as the snow falls off the steel roof.

But not on the back of the house.  There, they got snow rails.  So the snow stacks up and doesn't come off the roof.  It does melt though and that creates icicles.  Those can be dangerous.

I wonder if the Big Guy should just take down the laser lights that are in the front yard.  I mean they are only working on the one side.  Makes the house look weird that there is only the lasers on the one side of the house.

Decisions decisions

I'm telling ya, first world problems

They are real

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video

Max our Bernese Mountain Dog eating a tree branch leaves and all

Bye bye fur now

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