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Wednesday, 5 December 2018

5/Dec/18 excuse me while I have a drink of water

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So I have this elevated food station.  It makes it much easier for me to take drinks of water and to have my kibble.

There is also mice in this house.  Shhh...  don't tell anyone...  But with this elevated food station, the mice can smell the food, but can't seem to find it.  Also, when Tonya and the Big Guy buy me food, it goes in to this HUGE tupperware container.  Then they snap the lid down.  Again, that's so that the mice can't get at my food.

Did you know that I have several "tricks" that I can do?

One of them I can "Don't let the human type".  This is when Tonya or the Big Guy are on their computer.  I will go over and quietly put my mussel under their arm and then flick my head up.  This causes their arm to fly in the air.  If their hand is on the keyboard or on the mouse, they have to stop what they are doing and pay attention to me.

Another trick is "Don't let the human sleep".  I only seem to get Tonya with this one and it's only rare that I get to do this.  First off, I have to be let upstairs.  Then I will see that Tonya is laying in bed.  I will jump up in bed with her.  I will lay my head down on the Big Guy's pillow.  I will pretend that I'm going to sleep.  Then I will quickly turn over and put one of my paws in Tonya's face.  HA HA  Fooled you!  Now you can't sleep!

I've got this other truck.  But this one only works on the Big Guy and only when he is napping on the couch.  Tonya doesn't nap on the couch, so I never get her.  But he will be laying on the couch, and the TV is on.  I will walk up to him, I will line up my mussel and then BAM!  Punch him right in the mouth with my mussel!  This always wakes him up.  Then I stare at him.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video

Max our Bernese Mountain Dog gets his new Cape Breton Tartan

Bye bye fur now

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